How did Beca go?

Fluffy, I think she just didn't do well in any of the challenges tonight

Becca should have stayed ruby makes a mess but gets through
I've really started to warm to Francis, she's my winner now
I'm off to read the DS thread

Ruby's work was a mess! I'll be gutted if she wins
They ain't happy it's a fix etc

DS ain't happy about that either
They seem to think they will try and jazz it up and move it to a studio and have guest presenters, I do agree they should keep the tent as that's half the fun
I'm hoping Frances will triumph but would be quite happy for Kimberley to win.
However, I fear that next week they will change the criteria and, instead of awarding the prize to who can produce the most attractive and tasty fare, the winner will be whoever can throw together the most gloopy and unsightly dollop of Eton Mess ...
arrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh 3 rounds of complete and utter mess and she still stays.....
that's all folks
actually have to say that this year I've been completely put off the show cos of that stupid pouty girl's been all about her and nothing about the baking, and the standard overall is a lot worse than the previous yrs too

I like the tent, too, Summer. It's part of Bake Off's charm.
I'm not as concerned about it moving to BBC1 as I would be if it was heading to one of the commercial stations
No way should Ruby have got through...all her dishes were rubbish ......and I wish I could slap that stupid , sulky, poor me , look off her face : mad: Kimberly is the best all rounder I think .....but as long as Ruby doesn't win I can live with it !!!
No way should Ruby have got through...all her dishes were rubbish ......and I wish I could slap that stupid , sulky, poor me , look off her face : mad: Kimberly is the best all rounder I think .....but as long as Ruby doesn't win I can live with it !!!
you're in the longest queue Baz
She drives me mad Dame ....and that she is in the final is a travesty IMO
I agree Baz...I am astounded she's made it this far
She wouldn't have made it past week 1 if I'd had my way
me too Baz...I just can't fathom it out
Just thought I'd start winding us up early......
Oh.. and I've not read the article, but I see a headline in the Mail online that says Raymond Blanc has tweeted the name of the winner...
M Raymond Blanc seeems to agree with me about the crying.
After all our moaning I don't think she will win now I think it could be the under dog Francis
After all our moaning I don't think she will win now is I think it could be the under dog Francis
I've only watched two or three times, but Francis impressed me more than the others.
by rights Francis should win if the big challenge is a tiered wedding cake (assuming it doesn't collapse...) Ruby's 'pretty' cakes are usually a disaster - remember her lopsided allotment and the awful opera cake. She doesn't do decoration very well.
btw - there's a pre-show show tonight about the four contestants, starts at 7 pm before the Bake Off proper at 8 pm We can all watch for clues to why Ruby turned out the way she is..
Just been reading a blog by a former contestant on the thread on DS it's around page 34 and she says they don't get paid traveling expenses or money for the food you need to buy to practice and she would never do it again she did say some nice things as well
in the style of the kaiser chiefs
in the style of the kaiser chiefs
*cuffs pirate round the earhole*
Silly me.. I thought this was going to be about THIS year's contestants!
*cuffs pirate round the earhole*
Silly me.. I thought this was going to be about THIS year's contestants!
I'm watching it Kaffy, surprising how you remember them all
i love the green eyed girl
i dont care if she burns me do-nuts
i'll just smile
shes gotta win
i love the green eyed girl
i dont care if she burns me do-nuts
i'll just smile
shes gotta win
Pirate.............she's crap
*cuffs pirate round the earhole*
Silly me.. I thought this was going to be about THIS year's contestants!
Ah that's why I'm not remembering some of them....I thought it was about this year's lot too!
i love the green eyed girl
i dont care if she burns me do-nuts
i'll just smile
shes gotta win
Pirate.............she's crap
she's not!
look its been a dream of mine to have a wonky looking shed...
she went and made my dream come true
and shes got lovely eyes
she's not!
look its been a dream of mine to have a wonky looking shed...
she went and made my dream come true
and shes got lovely eyes
you'd need a Valium after two minutes in her fact a bottle and she's still crap
we'll have a forum trip and knock you a wonky shed up