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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Didn't work in America did it... I'm very glad it's back, I must remember to series link it Thanks for the contestant profiles El I hear they had more applicants than ever this year

can I snigger at it failing cos he thought he was the be all and end all and now he's skulking back here 

Ruby annoyed me! I tried to be a bit sympathetic towards her because it must be nerve wracking being on TV, but she came back the next day just the same! Where's her "put it behind you and move on" fighting spirit! She's lucky that lad made a big mess up of things really because I think she would have gone if it weren't for that
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Ruby annoyed me! I tried to be a bit sympathetic towards her because it must be nerve wracking being on TV, but she came back the next day just the same! Where's her "put it behind you and move on" fighting spirit! She's lucky that lad made a big mess up of things really because I think she would have gone if it weren't for that

Ruby reminds me of the woman last year with a brown bob, always doing the little girl voice and simpering to Paul, the older fella was very good

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Don't know, BBC2 Scotland is showing River City - a Scottish Soap.

They are baking bread in this episode. It's 2/16.


Edit: Just spotted your post and it's a repeat. I've not seen it so new to me 

Yeah, that was last Tuesday's episode - first task is breadsticks.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Crikey! What a dramatic episode
I actually had my hands over mouth when they were serving up the custard tarts.
I can't believe just how many of them had such a bad weekend!

The girl who was star baker (I forget her name)- well about time! she's been fantastic all the way so far so I was delighted to see her finally get it
Ruby's moody face almost made a come back but luckily she turned that around and was back to making me cheer her on. She just a great job for someone so young & inexperienced, next to some people who've been baking for years.
Becca contributes to impress me.

I'm sad to see Ali leave, he was a great character, I had hoped he would go through

Love the history lessons!
~Sparkling Summer~
I'm all caught up too sorry I wasn't around live last night!

I've so far not been a fan of Christine but I thought she was great last night and my first choice for star baker the alpine clock was especially fantastic!

Loved the Tottenham tray bake history lesson

I was quite surprised by the bakers falling into the zone of leaving this week, it really does prove that anyone can have an off day!
I thought Ruby's cone was good, and much more of a show stopper than some of the other efforts, however, I can't help but wonder if they've been lenient with her because of her exams. I also suspect that Mr Hollywood has a bit of a soft spot for her

Becca's biscuit tower was good too, I loved the design. She's one of my favourite contestants
~Sparkling Summer~

is it just me or are this lot not as good as last yrs? I know when I watched the last season I was so tempted by everything they did that it sent me on a mad baking spree for months. . this lot just make me go hmmm ..


I've even tried watching it when I am hungry and nope, nothing, nowt, nada not interested in their offerings.....  as for trifle week. . bleurgh they all looked horrible.. totally not tempting in any way.. and Ruby needs to go do her exams first then try again another yr and stop with the sulky sour puss of hers when things don't go her way..


that's it for now

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


I thing Glen's rode his luck....and I wish Ruby would drop some trays to match her face 

Your just a jealous bulleh 



I'm not   Every time her pity me face hits my screen I want to hit her with a rolling pin...I'll be devastated if the whinny faced brat wins  I'm still upset about Howard  


please please please somebody slap that sulky Ruby .. she's like a spoilt little brat if she doesn't get her way..


Non of them are appealing to me this year, nor their bakes either. .I'm kinda thinking Ruby's mood swings are what is putting me off them all.. it's like I'm watching on tenterhooks all the time and thinking ffs make sure hers are alright or we'll have another paddy or tantrum going and all the others will fade into the background while she has her tantrum tears... .


right one went last night tho. .Howard should have gone last week ..massive fail

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Aw I knew it would be glen! He was funny but that show stopper was more stop than show.

Ruby talks like a drip, she's getting on my wick! Credit to her for the good work though.
Winging it? My butt! That's an act IMO

Loved Becca & Francis this week, I'm very glad Francis won star baker

I'm totally turned around on Christine now, I think she's great

rapidly going off Kimberly though- great baker but not very sportsman like is she?! See those faces she pulls when the judges say negative things about her work? Or when someone else is doing well..? She was my winner early on, but not anymore!

Anyone else think a few of them have gained a few pounds?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Baz:
Not surprised by who went ...the last challenge was a disaster dahling. ....Ruby annoys me more every week I agree Kimberly got a little too cocky this time . ...and not really sure who I want to win long as it's NOT Ruby



I'm in agreement with all that Baz...although I've never really liked Kimberly, I would like to push Ruby's miserable chops into a cake mix...I don't mind who wins out of the other three to be honest, I think Becca and Francis have been more consistent than Christine to be fair, saying that if she won I wouldn't be too upset. I'm pleased Glen went, he's ridden is luck for weeks and I'd rather Howard had stayed last week, I'm sure Howard would have been out the door this week though 


Guess what?  I don't like Ruby either.    She really annoyed me when she said 'Mel.. i need a talking to' when Mel was helping Francis.   Why not say what you mean?  'Mel.. I need the attention back on me'  


Glad Glen went - I think he was a bit of a tw@t tbh.  Telling Paul he's got a better way of making pastry then putting the crap up and saying 'I think there's enough there to make sure I go through.


I liked Kimberley up until recently, but I think she's getting smug 'I don't know why they panic.. it's quite simple'  Yeah, ok..


I like all the other three.    Becca seems to have least disasters, but i think she's also had less stand out winners.  I love Francis's designs.. but she's not always the best baker.  Christine has had a few disasters but I do think she might be the best baker.  I also think these three are the nicest people.. they're genuinely happy for people who get praise, but Kimberley wanted to punch Ruby who, in turn, wanted to knife Christine.  

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Guess what?  I don't like Ruby either.    She really annoyed me when she said 'Mel.. i need a talking to' when Mel was helping Francis.   Why not say what you mean?  'Mel.. I need the attention back on me'  


Glad Glen went - I think he was a bit of a tw@t tbh.  Telling Paul he's got a better way of making pastry then putting the crap up and saying 'I think there's enough there to make sure I go through.


I liked Kimberley up until recently, but I think she's getting smug 'I don't know why they panic.. it's quite simple'  Yeah, ok..


I like all the other three.    Becca seems to have least disasters, but i think she's also had less stand out winners.  I love Francis's designs.. but she's not always the best baker.  Christine has had a few disasters but I do think she might be the best baker.  I also think these three are the nicest people.. they're genuinely happy for people who get praise, but Kimberley wanted to punch Ruby who, in turn, wanted to knife Christine.  


I totally agree Kaffy   

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.

Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache? 

Do you mean a nun  

 I was trying to be a bit flash  Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.

Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache? 

Don't mind if I do, thanks!

Here you go, enjoy. 


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.

Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache? 

Do you mean a nun  

 I was trying to be a bit flash  Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'

I just call them plain old profiteroles 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.

Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache? 

Do you mean a nun  

 I was trying to be a bit flash  Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'

I just call them plain old profiteroles 

The ones we used to buy are the size of a grapefruit. Mmmmmm  

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.

Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache? 

Do you mean a nun  

 I was trying to be a bit flash  Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'

Is that not just a profiterol?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.

Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache? 

Do you mean a nun  

 I was trying to be a bit flash  Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'

I just call them plain old profiteroles 

The ones we used to buy are the size of a grapefruit. Mmmmmm  

We call them elephants' feet too!   (and my mum used to call crumpets (that's very thin pancakes up here) elephants' lugs... but I don't know if that was just her...

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.

Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache? 

Do you mean a nun  

 I was trying to be a bit flash  Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'

Is that not just a profiterol?

Don't you have elephants' feet on the west?   A profiterole to me is  little thing that you need at least five off in one sitting... you can only eat one elephants' foot.

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I feel that I may be a lone voice but I don't mind Ruby, what is more strange is that I don't really dislike any of the contestants. I was disappointed that Howard did not progress further as you have to support your hometown contestant don't you 


The people I do dislike are 'Smell & Poo' (Mel and Sue).

I'd rather Glenn had gone instead of howard last week.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.

Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache? 

Do you mean a nun  

 I was trying to be a bit flash  Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'

Is that not just a profiterol?

Don't you have elephants' feet on the west?   A profiterole to me is  little thing that you need at least five off in one sitting... you can only eat one elephants' foot.

Never seen or heard of anything that size before.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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