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Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

See... ruby's forgotten her timings... how WILL she manage?



because the taste and the ingredients are fabulous...even though its a soggy pile of crap on a plate  

lopsided crap probably..



of course...she's the only one that does her finishing touches from 50 yards 

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

i hope francis's tastes as good as it looks, because it looks the best.

Kaffs...did you see those naff bumble bees or whatever the hell they were, and, it looks like the leaning tower of Pisa

I still think it looks the best.... it's not leaning, it's offset...      Francis has done some cracking designs over the course of the series.

Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

im on delay tv here

so im not looking


but ruby

if you lost


live with me?

Do you have the time to keep the tears away morning, noon and night?  Because she will cry, no matter how good you are.


i was gonna take her round to my mates

he has a swimming pool that needs filling up


"Hours before the final was broadcast, chef Raymond Blanc apologised on Twitter after suggesting that the show's youngest contestant, Tandoh, 21, was too thin to enjoy food and had also won the competition.

He later used the social networking site to say sorry to the show's co-host Hollywood, blaming his comments on the fact that he is a "Frenchman writing English" and saying he did not know who would be crowned winner."



Does he think we are daft?

He's not some naive 'hick-from-the-sticks'!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I've just caught up! A blooming power cut here last night prevented me from seeing it, and from coming online to talk about it!

I'm very happy that Francis won she certainly is show stopper stylee!!!!

Ruby's wedding cake was well under par, it would have been shocking if she had won. I did find myself rooting for her to beat Kimberly at one point though-
That smug, horrible, glaring at the other contestants was boiling my pee and I'd have been very unhappy if she had won! Her wedding cake was very disappointing too, and the idea of printing the words on one tier was thoughtful but it looked messy!
~Sparkling Summer~

I'm catching up on the overnight post but just wanted to say HOOOOOO BLUDDDY RAY the miserable cah didn't win it... tho it was a close call..


what a contrast tho ..the class of 2012 show made me remember why I loved the Great British Bake off .. not only was it full of really great baking, and I was salivating again and felt the baking urge come upon me but,  most importantly it made me feel warm and fuzzy watching the contestants, even the blonde haired girl who'd wound me up last yr made me feel warm and fuzzy..


Turn to the final and never have I hated a final more than I did this one ..whoever edited the show wanted to make me feel increasingly stabby by interspersing Ruby's miserable face every second shot. . this whole season has been full of half bakers without any likeable personality's at all. . and nothing in the whole of the show inspired me to want to bake. .none of them were really that good at all.. not competition good, friends and family good maybe but not a match on last yrs lot..


Kimberly and Frances should get together. .at least one can cook decently and the other can design..


hope they getter better cooks and nicer people next yr so I can enjoy the show again..


rant over


goes to read back to see if I am alone in my thinking

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I agree, I didn't think last night's show was brilliant but I am glad Ruby didn't win and I thought they shown too much of her and not enough of the other contestants, reading the woman's blog from last year she herself say's do I think we were the best 12 bakers in the land, probably not, the producers want to know your back story as well as what your best and worst bakes are.


There seems to be those arguing about it going to BBC are right, they are looking to change it more into a reality show, I know it is one of sorts now but we don't want glamour models etc turning up if they think they are going to get as much publicity as Ruby has


I was reading an interview with Francis today and she did say they were surprised they didn't show more of the good fun and banter the contestants had, so it does look like they are trying to take it down a different route instead of leaving it as a good feeling show


Yup there was definitely nothing warm and fuzzy about last nights final or indeed the whole show.. the contrast in editing for the final and the previous yrs contestant show was astounding. . it was like a dark cloud came down for the final..


but I also think they didn't pick any particular good bakers this year either.. I am no expert but the very least I'd expect them to be able to bake a sponge blindfolded and standard bread, and both  to a very high standard..



I loved Brendan last year who had a wealth of knowledge about the history of what was being baked as well as being a great baker too.. his poppy seed Chelsea buns still get me salivating even just at the thought of them ..I even bought some poppy seeds but am crap at bread baking [got no hand strength left so can't knead very well] so am not sure I'd be able to get a decent Chelsea bun anyway.. am dribbling just thinking about them again. .they also remind me of a poppy seed cake I ate as a kid, was a Polish recipe and was lovely, tho not as sweet as British cakes.. but the poppy seed filling was scrummy..


I hear Ruby is moaning about a load of misogynistic comments she is getting. .I dunno where that is coming from. if she gets any negative feedback it is because she was portrayed as a miserable sulky old cow who also couldn't cook very well yet seemed to get praised nonetheless..., she needs to take that up with the production team not moan at the general public for commenting on what they saw


what is annoying is no doubt she'll get media employment as she has a face for TV. . well occasionally, so long as someone tells her she is brilliant every 5 minutes then she will crack a smile .

Mount Olympus *Olly*

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