She wouldn't have made it past week 1 if I'd had my way
She wouldn't have made it past week 1 if I'd had my way
me too Baz...I just can't fathom it out
Just thought I'd start winding us up early......
Oh.. and I've not read the article, but I see a headline in the Mail online that says Raymond Blanc has tweeted the name of the winner...
M Raymond Blanc seeems to agree with me about the crying.
After all our moaning I don't think she will win now I think it could be the under dog Francis
After all our moaning I don't think she will win now is I think it could be the under dog Francis
I've only watched two or three times, but Francis impressed me more than the others.
by rights Francis should win if the big challenge is a tiered wedding cake (assuming it doesn't collapse...) Ruby's 'pretty' cakes are usually a disaster - remember her lopsided allotment and the awful opera cake. She doesn't do decoration very well.
btw - there's a pre-show show tonight about the four contestants, starts at 7 pm before the Bake Off proper at 8 pm We can all watch for clues to why Ruby turned out the way she is..
Just been reading a blog by a former contestant on the thread on DS it's around page 34 and she says they don't get paid traveling expenses or money for the food you need to buy to practice and she would never do it again she did say some nice things as well
in the style of the kaiser chiefs
in the style of the kaiser chiefs
*cuffs pirate round the earhole*
Silly me.. I thought this was going to be about THIS year's contestants!
*cuffs pirate round the earhole*
Silly me.. I thought this was going to be about THIS year's contestants!
I'm watching it Kaffy, surprising how you remember them all
i love the green eyed girl
i dont care if she burns me do-nuts
i'll just smile
shes gotta win
i love the green eyed girl
i dont care if she burns me do-nuts
i'll just smile
shes gotta win
Pirate.............she's crap
*cuffs pirate round the earhole*
Silly me.. I thought this was going to be about THIS year's contestants!
Ah that's why I'm not remembering some of them....I thought it was about this year's lot too!
i love the green eyed girl
i dont care if she burns me do-nuts
i'll just smile
shes gotta win
Pirate.............she's crap
she's not!
look its been a dream of mine to have a wonky looking shed...
she went and made my dream come true
and shes got lovely eyes
she's not!
look its been a dream of mine to have a wonky looking shed...
she went and made my dream come true
and shes got lovely eyes
you'd need a Valium after two minutes in her fact a bottle and she's still crap
we'll have a forum trip and knock you a wonky shed up
I'm watching and making tea at the same time. I remember most of them.. but I remember some of the cakes better!
i tweet her
i love her
so she makes bad cakes
whats that got to do with it?
and a sneaky snaffle
i tweet her
i love her
so she makes bad cakes
whats that got to do with it?
I'm watching and making tea at the same time. I remember most of them.. but I remember some of the cakes better!
i tweet her
i love her
so she makes bad cakes
whats that got to do with it?
Evening Bakers and Oglers of Ruby
Evening Bakers and Oglers of Ruby
Kaytee I may have to sit on my hands to stop me wrecking the house
please Mr Hollywood...
have i won?
Evening Kaytee
*whacks pirate again for good measure*
Ruby continues where she left off....moaning
Evening Kaytee
*whacks pirate again for good measure*
stop beating me!
now if it was RUBY beating me as if i were an egg....
Evening Bakers and Oglers of Ruby
Kaytee I may have to sit on my hands to stop me wrecking the house
I feel sweary words coming on...Evening Dame
Have seen v little of this, but, of what I have, I liked Ruby
Will judge it on the night 'though!
Kaffers Pirate
Black pudding?
In the middle of a pie?
I feel sweary words coming on...Evening Dame
I'm effing and jeffing already
Have seen v little of this, but, of what I have, I liked Ruby
Will judge it on the night 'though!
You can go and sit in the naughty corner with pirate!
Welcome back!
Black pudding?
In the middle of a pie?
There's a lot going on in that pie, sounds nice 'though
Kimberly or Frances for the win, please!
Have seen v little of this, but, of what I have, I liked Ruby
Will judge it on the night 'though!
You're on your own with Ruby...she'll be acting up to the max again (for a change)
Evening Kaytee
*whacks pirate again for good measure*
stop beating me!
now if it was RUBY beating me as if i were an egg....
she'd leave you a very happy shell of a man, eh?
Have seen v little of this, but, of what I have, I liked Ruby
Will judge it on the night 'though!
I don't overall I really don't think she deserves to be in the final...but its tonight that counts
I feel sweary words coming on...Evening Dame
I'm effing and jeffing already
And me
now if it was RUBY beating me as if i were an egg....
she'd leave you a very happy shell of a man, eh?
Kimberly or Frances for the win, please!
Have seen v little of this, but, of what I have, I liked Ruby
Will judge it on the night 'though!
You can go and sit in the naughty corner with pirate!
Welcome back!
Thanks, I nearly forgot how to switch the tele on!
And, tbf, she is v sexy!
Black pudding?
In the middle of a pie?
There's a lot going on in that pie, sounds nice 'though
It's the cold black pudding putting me off.
I think there's probably too much going on in Francis' unfortunately
Kimberley's looks a bloody mess
Kimberley's having a bit of a mare.
Kimberley's having a bit of a mare.
Paul has been tangoed
Oh dear, poor Kimberly
Oh dear - Kimberley!
at last he was positive
Paul has been tangoed
trying to impress Ruby....
Paul has been tangoed
I believe he's been Rubyied
Ruby's looks lovely
Sorry, but Ruby has won this round
Ruby's looks lovely
Let's hope she cocks up the other two
Looks like 1 - 0 - 0
Ruby - Frances - Kimberley.
Ruby's looks lovely
Let's hope she cocks up the other two
Sorry, but Ruby has won this round
Unfortunately, you're correct.
Paul has been tangoed
trying to impress Ruby....
Paul has been tangoed
I believe he's been Rubyied
Ha ha, you can tell I've not been watching!
Life's too short to make Pretzels
Life's too short to make Pretzels
life is to short to eat them, if I was going to stuff calories in my last choice would be a Pretzel
Ahhh, I'm beginning to understand the Ruby hate now...she's a simperer
She's going to win isn't she
Life's too short to make Pretzels
life is to short to eat them, if I was going to stuff calories in my last choice would be a Pretzel
Same here
Life's too short to make Pretzels
life is to short to eat them, if I was going to stuff calories in my last choice would be a Pretzel
Too right
Paul has been tangoed
trying to impress Ruby....
Paul has been tangoed
I believe he's been Rubyied
Ha ha, you can tell I've not been watching!
supes .. the general opinion on Paul and Ruby was summed up on DS by someone saying she could serve up a shit on plate and they'd rave about the consistency and flavour of it....
Frances looked like she had a small poisonous snake on her table.
Ahhh, I'm beginning to understand the Ruby hate now...she's a simperer
she's a bloody whine
cant stand pretzels
Ahhh, I'm beginning to understand the Ruby hate now...she's a simperer
And a blubberer
Ahhh, I'm beginning to understand the Ruby hate now...she's a simperer
she's a bloody whine
Ahhh, I'm beginning to understand the Ruby hate now...she's a simperer
yep.. and a 'poor me.. I never get anything right'er before presenting something perfect.
She's going to win isn't she
Aimee...think positive and hope she drops her last bake
Kimberley is getting on my nerve too and Frances is all a bit sickly sweet and let's see what their grub is like!
OK I want to lamp Ruby in the mush
Love rat Hollywood does favour Ruby
cant stand pretzels
evening Amythist
one to ruby, one to kimberley.... we need Francis to do a fantastic showstopper then - and it's just her thing....
Kimberley's this one!
OK I want to lamp Ruby in the mush
*holds Kaytee's coat sod it joins in the lamping*
Paul has been tangoed
trying to impress Ruby....
Paul has been tangoed
I believe he's been Rubyied
Ha ha, you can tell I've not been watching!
supes .. the general opinion on Paul and Ruby was summed up on DS by someone saying she could serve up a shit on plate and they'd rave about the consistency and flavour of it....
Goddit! She's the winner on her bakes tonight so far 'though
Kimberley is getting on my nerve too and Frances is all a bit sickly sweetand let's see what their grub is like!
Kimberley got very smug and arrogant as the competition progressed.
one to ruby, one to kimberley.... we need Francis to do a fantastic showstopper then - and it's just her thing....
Feck off Paul
Oh shut up Paul and Mary.......we know that Ruby's your favourite
Oh shut up Paul and Mary.......we know that Ruby's your favourite
Drives me nuts
Beetroot and sweet potatoes in a wedding cake
Kimberley's sounds nice
Beetroot and sweet potatoes in a wedding cake
She's different
Kimberly's cake sounds awesome
Beetroot and sweet potatoes in a wedding cake
I know...I think Francis's just blew it
Beetroot and sweet potatoes in a wedding cake
I did wonder about that...