the peachy buns look great
I think howard will be going tonight
are buns meant to be crunchy?
I'm not happy
Me neither
I like glen but I think he should have gone.
Also, I'm sick of Ruby's pouty face! Yes, she can bake, but I don't like the immature stroppy pouty "poor little me" faces
I thing Glen's rode his luck....and I wish Ruby would drop some trays to match her face
Me neither
bad decision I think Aims

I thing Glen's rode his luck....and I wish Ruby would drop some trays to match her face
Your just a jealous bulleh
I thing Glen's rode his luck....and I wish Ruby would drop some trays to match her face
Your just a jealous bulleh
I'm not
Every time her pity me face hits my screen I want to hit her with a rolling pin...I'll be devastated if the whinny faced brat wins
I'm still upset about Howard
I think glen may go next week, but I'm willing him to do well, he's the only man left

I think glen may go next week, but I'm willing him to do well, he's the only man left
I agree Sweet..apart from the Glen bit
I don't like is the camera on me Glen if ruby wins I'll
please please please somebody slap that sulky Ruby .. she's like a spoilt little brat if she doesn't get her way..
Non of them are appealing to me this year, nor their bakes either. .I'm kinda thinking Ruby's mood swings are what is putting me off them all.. it's like I'm watching on tenterhooks all the time and thinking ffs make sure hers are alright or we'll have another paddy or tantrum going and all the others will fade into the background while she has her tantrum tears... .
right one went last night tho. .Howard should have gone last week ..massive fail
But she's beautiful Olly and she's had exams
ah right I get ya..
beautiful? :scratcheshead: she's a normal every day type of girl with a pouty sulky frowny face to boot
mind you as I said last week. what dickhead enters a competition like that when they have major exams?
I'm sorry Howard went , and I agree with everyone about Ruby ....she makes me grrrrrrrr And I don't actually believe her poor me act either.....it's all a front IMO ...
I feel sorry for her tutors if she does badly in her exams. .tantrums galore methinks
N0-0ne interested in this thread anymore either, it would seem!
Oh....it's going too well!
I like the sound of these 'nuns'.
In fact I may much on a bar of chocolate whilst they toil
I think as a kid we used to call them 'Elephants Feet'.
I think it's only right that we should join in from time to time!

I'm on a 15 min delay, but I'm tuning in

LOVED the suet puddings, a good friend of mine makes a fantastic klutey dumpling, her grandparents are from Orkney

I'm on a 15 min delay, but I'm tuning in

LOVED the suet puddings, a good friend of mine makes a fantastic klutey dumpling, her grandparents are from Orkney

I like the sound of these 'nuns'.
In fact I may much on a bar of chocolate whilst they toil
I think as a kid we used to call them 'Elephants Feet'.
My nana used to love them

All woman final.
Ruby talks like a drip, she's getting on my wick! Credit to her for the good work though.
Winging it? My butt! That's an act IMO
Loved Becca & Francis this week, I'm very glad Francis won star baker

I'm totally turned around on Christine now, I think she's great

rapidly going off Kimberly though- great baker but not very sportsman like is she?! See those faces she pulls when the judges say negative things about her work? Or when someone else is doing well..? She was my winner early on, but not anymore!
Anyone else think a few of them have gained a few pounds?

It will be Ruby

I'm in agreement with all that Baz...although I've never really liked Kimberly, I would like to push Ruby's miserable chops into a cake mix...I don't mind who wins out of the other three to be honest, I think Becca and Francis have been more consistent than Christine to be fair, saying that if she won I wouldn't be too upset. I'm pleased Glen went, he's ridden is luck for weeks and I'd rather Howard had stayed last week, I'm sure Howard would have been out the door this week though
mind you as I said last week. what dickhead enters a competition like that when they have major exams?
Ruby is growing on me
Like a wart on a carbuncle. .i.e. get it out of here
no one has stood out for me this yr. . and I can never remember their names, apart form she who needs lancing..
Guess what? I don't like Ruby either. She really annoyed me when she said 'Mel.. i need a talking to' when Mel was helping Francis. Why not say what you mean? 'Mel.. I need the attention back on me'
Glad Glen went - I think he was a bit of a tw@t tbh. Telling Paul he's got a better way of making pastry then putting the crap up and saying 'I think there's enough there to make sure I go through.
I liked Kimberley up until recently, but I think she's getting smug 'I don't know why they panic.. it's quite simple' Yeah, ok..
I like all the other three. Becca seems to have least disasters, but i think she's also had less stand out winners. I love Francis's designs.. but she's not always the best baker. Christine has had a few disasters but I do think she might be the best baker. I also think these three are the nicest people.. they're genuinely happy for people who get praise, but Kimberley wanted to punch Ruby who, in turn, wanted to knife Christine.
Ruby is growing on me
Like a wart on a carbuncle. .i.e. get it out of here
no one has stood out for me this yr. . and I can never remember their names, apart form she who needs lancing..
Guess what? I don't like Ruby either. She really annoyed me when she said 'Mel.. i need a talking to' when Mel was helping Francis. Why not say what you mean? 'Mel.. I need the attention back on me'
Glad Glen went - I think he was a bit of a tw@t tbh. Telling Paul he's got a better way of making pastry then putting the crap up and saying 'I think there's enough there to make sure I go through.
I liked Kimberley up until recently, but I think she's getting smug 'I don't know why they panic.. it's quite simple' Yeah, ok..
I like all the other three. Becca seems to have least disasters, but i think she's also had less stand out winners. I love Francis's designs.. but she's not always the best baker. Christine has had a few disasters but I do think she might be the best baker. I also think these three are the nicest people.. they're genuinely happy for people who get praise, but Kimberley wanted to punch Ruby who, in turn, wanted to knife Christine.
I totally agree Kaffy
I feel that I may be a lone voice but I don't mind Ruby, what is more strange is that I don't really dislike any of the contestants. I was disappointed that Howard did not progress further as you have to support your hometown contestant don't you
The people I do dislike are 'Smell & Poo' (Mel and Sue).
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache?
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
I'm in the far away opposite corner on both counts
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache?
Do you mean a nun
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache?
Don't mind if I do, thanks!
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache?
Do you mean a nun
I was trying to be a bit flash
Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache?
Don't mind if I do, thanks!
Here you go, enjoy.
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache?
Do you mean a nun
I was trying to be a bit flash
Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'
I just call them plain old profiteroles
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache?
Do you mean a nun
I was trying to be a bit flash
Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'
I just call them plain old profiteroles
The ones we used to buy are the size of a grapefruit. Mmmmmm
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache?
Do you mean a nun
I was trying to be a bit flash
Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'
Is that not just a profiterol?
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache?
Do you mean a nun
I was trying to be a bit flash
Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'
I just call them plain old profiteroles
The ones we used to buy are the size of a grapefruit. Mmmmmm
We call them elephants' feet too! (and my mum used to call crumpets (that's very thin pancakes up here) elephants' lugs... but I don't know if that was just her...
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache?
Do you mean a nun
I was trying to be a bit flash
Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'
Is that not just a profiterol?
Don't you have elephants' feet on the west? A profiterole to me is little thing that you need at least five off in one sitting... you can only eat one elephants' foot.
I feel that I may be a lone voice but I don't mind Ruby, what is more strange is that I don't really dislike any of the contestants. I was disappointed that Howard did not progress further as you have to support your hometown contestant don't you
The people I do dislike are 'Smell & Poo' (Mel and Sue).
I'd rather Glenn had gone instead of howard last week.
Stands in EC's corner....for the main part.
Welcome Fluffs. Fancy one of my choux buns with crÃĻme patissiere and topped with a lovely chocolate ganache?
Do you mean a nun
I was trying to be a bit flash
Although we used to have them without the top choux, just a large creme filled, chocolate topped choux called 'Elephants Feet'
Is that not just a profiterol?
Don't you have elephants' feet on the west? A profiterole to me is little thing that you need at least five off in one sitting... you can only eat one elephants' foot.
Never seen or heard of anything that size before.

Hello all
Hi there.
I'm beginning to feel like Kaytee's stalker *get Ruby out*
Kimberly's looks good

And I want Ruby to throw out that cardi!

And I want Ruby to throw out that cardi!
she'll be ripping it up if she boobs this week
exactly Sweet...cheap and filling
Yeah. more likely!

they all look better than they taste

And I want Ruby to throw out that cardi!
she'll be ripping it up if she boobs this week
Not exactly an auspicious start!
Not exactly an auspicious start!
nope...looking good
Kimberly and Ruby
Wanted to say 'looks like Kimberley and Ruby are the best here' but there wasn't time before they were giving the results.
Wanted to say 'looks like Kimberley and Ruby are the best here' but there wasn't time before they were giving the results.
Ruby always manages to scrap through
No way I'd have the patience to do all that - even if I TECHNICALLY could do it!
Oh dear. poor Frances!
Oh dear. poor Frances!
I'm behind with a phone call...I'm fast forwarding bits
Poor Becca too!
Christine not quite hit the mark either.

Thought they were going to say Becca for a minute
Thought they were going to say Becca for a minute
I thought it was going to be Frances.
How did Francis stay when they keep saying she's not following the brief and is doing more design then taste Christine should have stayed
Just caught up...sad that Christine went, but most of them have been inconsistent wish it had been Ruby or Kimberly, but they were better than the other three


No, no and no she doesn't deserve to win

No, no and no she doesn't deserve to win
She will

that is all.
she's going to win... and when she wins she'll just have presented something that she says is crap
nooooooooooooooo you're all wrong. Mary will get on the booze and put her foot down...the end

nooooooooooooooo you're all wrong. Mary will get on the booze and put her foot down...the end
that is all.
she's going to win... and when she wins she'll just have presented something that she says is crap
She said she wasn't going to say that anymore and then said it read the DS thread it's hilarious
oh gawd I've never wanted someone to not win something so much and last night made me think she will win it now..
Slapping her obviously isn't working. . what's next?
*goes to read the DS thread. .if I can find it *