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And it is quite possible that Tiddly is the pube culprit - I see no denial so far.........hmmm?

The question is Miss S, how do we (yank) acquire one of Tiddly's public's complete with root for forensic examination and elimination purposes. I think this should be a job for one of your staff, considering the vast amount of size medium bright yellow Marigold's that you have been claiming for 
Reference: Dame
I think this should be a job for one of your staff, considering the vast amount of size medium bright yellow Marigold's that you have been claiming for
Personally I wear large Marigolds and I don'yt use them for cleaning.......

But enough of that - the pube situation has now become secondary to the more distressing revelation that my constables are now being pawed by all and sundry

I am chief cleaner and if there are truncheons and knobs to be polished I will be the one to do it 

I am chief cleaner and if there are truncheons and knobs to be polished I will be the one to do it

and as BOSS of the Home Office all the constables will be (under) accountable to me. I'm more than willing that you conduct your own inquiries  after I have (finished) discussed the pube situation with them Miss S. It now seems that we have people wandering willy nilly and rifling through our personal (hunks) papers.... and flicking ash all over the place instead of adhering to the designated smoking area' Tiddly's case The Tower 
*crawls out from under desk....blinks loads....disentangles limbs from feather boa....nearly sprains ankle in lush new poledancing shoes...realises that this is the DAY job....hastily changes into more suitabe attire*

Afternoon fellow Important Peeps...

The pubes aren't mine....I'm still smarting from the over vigorous waxing at the new salon....
You seen the state of it Suzy? It looks as though it's seen better days, and should be replaced by a nice new shag pile one

How dare you compare my Persian rug with something like a shag pile 

I am off to the pub quiz, and it's another Conservative Club, Honourable members of our coalition forum government and more particularly  those belonging to the Tory seem to have an awful lot of clubs and possibly alcoholic problems 

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