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Reference: Baz
I am so relieved Brisket..... I reckon it was Yogi and my votes that swung it
I'm very relieved too Baz.   Of course it was you and Yogi who did it.     No doubt about it!
Knowing this has lifted my spirits.
I agree with you about Pamela too.
Try as hard as I might I cannot see how the judges can hold her in quite such high esteem.
Anyway, I'm delighted that Matt is in the final.
I think it's been a pretty good year.
I would love to have seen Felicity and Jimi for longer (I think Jimi would have progressed very nicely.)
But as it is I have to say that Matt is the one whose dancing I have enjoyed most and found the most entertaining.
I agree he lacked the stamina...maybe he underestimated how tough it would be! Pamela and Kara are fortunate that they don't seem to have much else on at the moment....Matt and Scott are both doing loads more!! Matt has suffered through over stretching himself too...let's hope the free week he has will mean he can do himself and Aliona justice.
Well ...............I'd far rather see Scott in the final than Pamela but the judges obviously like her and I guess there must be some sort of public support. Don't like her personality and don't really rate her dancing. Hope she's first out tomorrow.

TBH ..............she's spoilt Strictly for me this year ..............haven't particularly enjoyed any of her dances and have been seriously peeeeeeed off with the judges over marking and fawning towards her.

I know that's not a popular opinion on here and I'm not gonna enter into discussion to defend my opinion - just felt the need to post what I'm feeling (in my semi drunken state).
Soozy Woo

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