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A few days ago I made a posting regarding the way the Digital Economy Act was enacted in a rush giving little chance for discussion in the House of Commons, and how this could affect any user of the internet. I won't repeat the posting here but this is a link

Today Ofcom has announced its terms of references as to how it is going to consult on the act's requirements as far as Ofcom is concerned. Anybody who is interested should look at this document on their website.

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I have generally felt that things like this are very difficult to police and control.
However, I am so UNtechnical in my computer knowledge that I dare say I am wrong, and that much tightening of restrictions will occur.
Your other post suggests that even people completely ignorant of the facts could be in trouble for misuse.
If I may I will look out for any further posts you may make about this area.
Thanks EL
Your other post suggests that even people completely ignorant of the facts could be in trouble for misuse.
You have hit on my main concern about this Act. And of course in the UK, ignorance os the law is no excuse. So for instance, if you find that an item you have purchased turns out to have been stolen, then it will be confiscated, though unless you knew it was stolen you wouldn't face charges. But with this Act, ignorance of someone else's use appears not to matter. We wait to see how Ofcom will handle this part of the Act. Although, based on my experience as to how they have handled television regulation they seem to use a certain amount of common sense, they have to enforce the law as it stands.

I will try to keep people up to date, but I think we are just at the start of the consultation so I think it will be months before any Ofcom rules are produced.I don't think the average user would be able to have much impact on the consultation. I think this is more down to organisations and pressure groups to contribute. And I personally am unlikely to be affected by this legislation as I am the only person who had access to my computer, I don't wittingly use sites such as the torrent ones and pirate sites, and I use wired broadband for security reasons.
El Loro

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