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Re: New series of Dallas, starting on Channel 5, 9pm, Wednesday 5th September!



I know, I know..    6 days early & all that!






Normally I would be dreading next Wednesday (first day of term for the boy...   no more leisurely mornings, back to the grind of the breakfast chaos, the A12 school runs, & arguments about bedtimes, getting up times, muddy school trousers & lost ties)...    but Dallas starting has made it a day to look forward to!



I downloaded the Dallas theme tune as my ringtone earlier 



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cariad:

Did you catch Barrowman last night?


Linda Grey looks amazing for 70 and swears blind it's all natural 


And Larry Hagman is 80 - bloody hellfire.


As for Patrick Duffy at 60 ... 


I have to say the 4 youngsters are a little interchangeable atm but we'll see.



I know..   I wanna shag them all!    The old 'uns, the young 'uns, the men & the wimmin..   ALL OF THEM!!!!  

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Are all the oldies going to be in the whole series...or are they there just to get it going? 

It sounded as if they were there full time. But at 70 and 80 I guess we'll have to wait and see though Ms Grey looks like she'd give someone 30 years younger a run for their money!


I can't wait to see how they explain away Pam, Lucy, Ray, Gary etc.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I can't wait for Dallas


love your Stetson avi's by the way 

yeah...    I take it you are dressed as an ever hopeful Charlene Tilton there Pengy? 

you calling me a poison dwarf???? 


no I'm a Clarey faerie until Dallas starts then I'm going to have to find a Stetson 

Originally Posted by IckleDitty:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by IckleDitty:

I'm not allowed on horses 

you are allowed on Texas style horses..     they have big saddles with big saddle handles..    no gripping on with your legs required..    


even you could stay on 

They aren't controlled by a cactus up the bum?




Tis only evil Spanish stable owners in the Canary Islands that use that technique! 


I went riding when on holiday in Gran Canaria Ducks..    


just as we were leaving the corral, some bloke whacked my horses rear end with a cactus! 


So, understandably my horse bolted up a mountain & then decided to do a full on bucking bronco routine..    I went flying onto a mound of rocks...   I was actually lucky to escape with just the fully snapped forearm (both bones, broken clean through).


First day of my hol as well..   spent the rest of the week encased in plaster, dosed up on painkillers & Baileys, watching people in the pool & having the worst case of ponytail envy ever!!  (stoopid bloke I was on holiday with couldn't even manage to put my hair in a ponytail for me )


Took 8 months & 2 metal rods to finally heal my arm


It's all over my facebook at the moment! Some of my friends in Zambia have already watched episode 1, and they were raving about it.


I can't wait for it! I loved it so much as a kid even though most of it must have gone over my head. I remember the windy poolside barbeques at Southfork which usually ended up with someone being chucked in the pool and the dramarama that came with the annual Oil Baron's Ball. Bring it on!!!!!



This was posted on my mate's fb favourite line from JR. 'Who sold that sonofabitch a ticket?' 





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