Evening buckers-in-here Buccaneers.
Thar be a mystery afoot, I spat on me finger an' felt th' cool breeze o' evil wash o'er me digit. Ye be welcome t' help this feeble minded bunch o' reprobates who qualify fer th' worst crew that try an' sail th' high seas, in fact th' couldna manage th' Do'er t' Calais ferry.
The Cap'n reckons this be done o'er th' next four Satterdee`s, wi' a cast o' thousands...wi' two spare places if ere wants t' be havin' a go at bein' a buccanneer, join us in th' local Tavern, 'ere grog an' ale flow freely. Tales o' sea farin' adventures an' many a loose lass pass ou' through th' doors.
So anyone interested in the last two places, can you contact Hoochie