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Well I'm back reporting for the Daily Sin after my freelance stint in on a crab boat in the Bering Sea, the bigger the crabs got the quicker I needed to get home!

There will be a few new names dazzling you with their performances over the next couple of weeks, there will be loads of writhing going on and that's just Vi's knickers .


The Sin pays minimum wages good bucks for gossip good reporting, so feel free to join us here at Sins news desk.

I will be introducing you to some of the stars as the night progresses. The first scoop was with Dazzler Duck, who I'm sure will bowl you over with his charm and talent for spinning his balls 



So....what do you wanna know?  I don't give that many being just a down to earth, lad next door, (but bloody good looking and stunningly talented) sporting hero.  I'm not really one for the celebrity lifestyle....


*checks Blackberry for text from Max Clifford* were we?


Oh yeah..... Dance Factor. It's been such a journey! Some would say a rollercoaster. I never would have guessed that my spectacular prowess on the cricket pitch would transfer so beautifully to a devastatingly dazzling performance on the dance floor.  It's all thanks to Wilma of course. She's been an incredible mentor to me.....I couldn't have had a better teacher.  *bites lip and wells up but in a manly way of course*




The final is going to be such a thrill.....we have an amazing routine planned that's going to knock everyone's socks off! Watch out Reeda and Emmanuel......forget the judges scores.....we have the voting public on our side......and you two are going out for a duck!  


Erm...that's a cricketing term for all you ladies. 


edited to correct the typo I was supposed to at the start 



Tags: Murder Mystery

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by ッmufッ:

"Buzzing Undies make shopper faint"




Only the best stories muf  It was probably Vi in Asda 

It is very small print - does it say where she got them 

i sell 'em-outta the back of me van

I've heard all bout your van 


ave ya gorrem in size 10 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:

Well I'm back reporting for the Daily Sin after my freelance stint in on a crab boat in the Bearing Sea, the bigger the crabs got the quicker I needed to get home!

There will be a few new names dazzling you with their performances over the next couple of weeks, there will be loads of writhing going on and that's just Vi's knickers .


The Sin pays minimum wages good bucks for gossip good reporting, so feel free to join us here at Sins news desk.

I will be introducing you to some of the stars as the night progresses. The first scoop was with Dazzler Duck, who I'm sure will bowl you over with his charm and talent for spinning his balls 



So....what do you wanna know?  I don't give that many being just a down to earth, lad next door, (but bloody good looking and stunningly talented) sporting hero.  I'm not really one for the celebrity lifestyle....


*checks Blackberry for text from Max Clifford* were we?


Oh yeah..... Dance Factor. It's been such a journey! Some would say a rollercoaster. I never would have guessed that my spectacular prowess on the cricket pitch would transfer so beautifully to a devastatingly dazzling performance on the dance floor.  It's all thanks to Wilma of course. She's been an incredible mentor to me.....I couldn't have had a better teacher.  *bites lip and wells up but in a manly way of course*




The final is going to be such a thrill.....we have an amazing routine planned that's going to knock everyone's socks off! Watch out Reeda and Emmanuel......forget the judges scores.....we have the voting public on our side......and you two are going out for a duck!  


Erm...that's a cricketing term for all you ladies. 


Originally Posted by Reeda Prompt:



Just read the garbage Dazzler, and believe me you have got some serious competition with Emmanuel and me. Can he strut his stuff, with his moves and my legs around him... we know we're the stars of of the show



Don't get your buzzing undies in a twist Reeda! You know what these celebrity journalists are like .....they get so excited in the presence of us famous types, their brains go all fuzzy and they start writing all sorts of half truths. I was misquoted!


Swap the "d" for an "f" and it's much closer to the truth.

Dazzler Duck
Originally Posted by Dazzler Duck:
Originally Posted by Reeda Prompt:

Don't get your buzzing undies in a twist Reeda! You know what these celebrity journalists are like .....they get so excited in the presence of us famous types, their brains go all fuzzy and they start writing all sorts of half truths. I was misquoted!


Swap the "d" for an "f" and it's much closer to the truth.



I see Dazzler, I know what the press can be like and how you can be misquoted I hope when the Dame prints mine she's not going to misquote me too


*shame yours was the first*

Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

size 6-22

i lurve the 22

summat to grab hold of

Bit of an adventurer huh 

i dabble lol

to me-every woman-no matter her size-is beautiful in her own way

i draw the f*cking line at a size 40 lol

There would be some movement in a pair of size 40 buzzing pants 

You'd need summat to hold on to !!

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

It is very small print - does it say where she got them 

i sell 'em-outta the back of me van

I've heard all bout your van 


ave ya gorrem in size 10 

size 6-22

i lurve the 22

summat to grab hold of



advertising here costs, it's an exclusive tabloid and not the Big Issue   



I met the lovely Roxy Rhinstone earlier today and this is what she had to say 



I’m a costume designer – I took a HND in costume design at Doncaster but since then I've worked in theatre and lots of tv and film productions – I really hate doing period pieces I guess it’s cos I’m stuck in the 80s all that sparkly stuff and big shoulders with big hair and wild colours.


I hate the smell of fake tan.  I have one little tattoo as an homage to my favourite singer.  God bless Madonna  mean just look at this styling 


I have a very creative brain and make some magnificent creations and one of these days I’m bound to get a BAFTA or dare I even hope an OSCAR!

Whatever the production, it ain’t nothing unless Roxy has dressed it 

Originally Posted by Dazzler Duck:



Don't get your buzzing undies in a twist Reeda! You know what these celebrity journalists are like .....they get so excited in the presence of us famous types, their brains go all fuzzy and they start writing all sorts of half truths. I was misquoted!


Swap the "d" for an "f" and it's much closer to the truth.



I keep all copies of my interviews Mr Duck and *take notes* 


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