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Pete is that means tested cos you live with your partner or is it to do with what other bens you receive?

According to the letter, it's just tested against other "similar" rents in the area. That makes no sense at all, since we're actually paying a very cheap rent for what we have. Plus it doesn't explain why the benefit has gone down. It's not like rents have dropped generally.
Reference: PC
According to the letter, it's just tested against other "similar" rents in the area. That makes no sense at all, since we're actually paying a very cheap rent for what we have. Plus it doesn't explain why the benefit has gone down. It's not like rents have dropped generally.

Would it be worth calling them and asking them to elaborate? It really pisses me off that those in need keep getting battered yet those who are not are blissfully unaware.

I don't begrudge people who have made a few quid and no, they shouldn't shoulder all of the financial responsibility to try and get this country back on some kind of even keel, but surely if they are making those in need sacrifice things, surely that should apply to all?

The main difference being that losing 20 quid a week to someone on benefits is a major deal, yet to someone earning 30k + a year it's barely noticeable.

Aaaaaand she's off on a rant again (sorry )
Champagne Joe
It's not all bad news PeterCat!
According to the latest Eye.......... "in a bizarre change of British tax law, the offshore millions of multinational corporate tax avoiders are set to be taxed at a rate less than half that paid by those little people who earn just ÂĢ7,500 a year."
So you see we are all in it together.

Lol, and just think how rich you'll all be when the Irish pay back the loan.  You're all gonna be drunk on interest repayments

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