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Well, that latest piece of evidence has opened up a whole new can of worms, that's for sure. I have even more questions now!

Sheikh: Did Roland want a particular one of your wives? Was it a favourite one? She must have been spectacular for Roland to stake his business on her? How desperately did you want the casino? Did you see it as a way out of the debts that you have run up with your gambling?

Chip: How are you going to get out of ths one?? And brace yourself honey, cos now Scarlett knows you can get your hands on some diamonds she is going to make you her next prey.

Harry: WTF are doing? Sober at this time of day? Are you ill?

Scarlett: Did you know anything about this wager between poor Roland and the Sheikh?

Tommy: Why didn't Roland come to you for protection? After all, you were so close to him? Maybe he didn't trust you, what is it they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer?? Makes you wonder which one you were, doesn't it?

AND TO ALL SUSPECTS: Exactly how long have you been here at the hotel/casino?

Right, that's it for now, I need a lie down!
Izzy Gonyett
Vi you already know I have been at the Casino a long time now.

It occurs to me people are thinking that Roland had put the Casino up as a bet.. Step back a bit and think again . The stupid idiot put his life up as a bet! This thing goes a lot deeper. He felt someone was out for him that's why he hired the muscle, who are they? 

My theory so far.. It was a ruse to tempt the would be killer out into the open... Think about it.
Maybe the Casino bet ain't what it seems to be
My theory so far.. It was a ruse to tempt the would be killer out into the open... Think about it. Maybe the Casino bet ain't what it seems to be
or maybe someone close to him made him believe he was a target and performed enough little 'tricks' to ensure he believed it!   Scare him enough and point the finger elsewhere then do the dirty deed and pretend you know nothing about it eh Harriet!
Chip: How are you going to get out of ths one??
I don't need to get out of it. It's just a little extra something to drop in the bag when I'm on my way, it's hardly smuggling. Think of it as 'formal delivery' on behalf of a friend or two.

To answer your other question I turned up in Vegas a couple of days before Roland met his maker who presumably wasn't particularly inspired when he dropped Rollers into our little universe.
Harry, I thought the wager was that if Roland died before midnight, then Sheikhy boy got the hotel and casino? If he lived, he got a wife. Seems an odd thing to place a bet on. I mean, it's not as if Roland had a terminal illness or was looking especially frail, is it? So why such a specific time scale? It's most intriguing, don't you think?
Izzy Gonyett
Another question for Scarlett! Have you ever met the Sheikh before? Have you ever been married before?
Ah Have never seen the sheikh before in ma life... I can assure you sugar ah would have remembered someone as distinguished as him
Married? No I have never been married before - I think you marry a man, you lose power, And that's what it's all about - power,
Ah have yet to meet a man ah could not control...
Scarlett: Did you know anything about this wager between poor Roland and the Sheikh?
Ah knew they were talking - they used to have lots of meetings at odd times of the day and night. But ah did not take much notice - menfolk they tend to talk the talk but really a lot of it is hot air,
*Sheikh: Did Roland want a particular one of your wives? Was it a favourite one? She must have been spectacular for Roland to stake his business on her? How desperately did you want the casino? Did you see it as a way out of the debts that you have run up with your gambling?*

Vi each of my wives are possessed of a unique beauty - any one of them would have pleased Roland.  I would not say I "wanted" the Casino - I cannot resist the thrill of a bet, I just want to win something
Miss Marple
Sheikhy baby, why was the bet made with Roland to such a specific timescale? I mean, unless you knew something about the mans health, how could you even imagine that he would die so soon? I realise that you only stood to lose a wife and they are easy to come by, Scarlett and Candi are practically drooling at the chance, but as a 'man of honour' as you said, surely losing a wife to Roland would have hurt?
Izzy Gonyett

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