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*stops Violin playing and laudanum supping for a short while, leaves room and wanders down to The Cocktail bar*

Looks around for anybody who may be in charge of this investigation. .see's no one so leaves a list of questions and some note paper for the suspects to answer.

1]  What was the time of death?

2] Where were all the suspects around the time of death?

3] Can the suspects provide an alibi?

4] Have we seen Rolands will yet?

5] How is it Bet can make it so her punters don't win in her pit? You are very protective of it Bet why is that and what do you hope to gain?

6] Scarlett if you have just lost your husband to be why are you already canoodling with another man and not grieving?

7] Sherry where is your mother?  Does she know you contacted your father and what are her thoughts about that?

8] Did Roland have any partners in the Casino and did he fund the purchase all by himself or with backers?

9]  Harry where do you store your props and who has access to them other than you?

10] Who found the body?

will call back later for answers..  and more questions..

*Goes back to room to play Violin while pondering on meaning of life and wondering where I can get my next supply of Laudanum as I am running low  .. *
Willy Cook
Last edited by Willy Cook
Oh dear lord ....the Twat in the Hat's back.

How is it Bet can make it so her punters don't win in her pit? You are very protective of it Bet why is that and what do you hope to gain?
I don't make them win or lose Hat Boy .......I just ensure they win or lose fairly, or as fairly as the Casino allows it to be.  We get a lot of weasels thinking they can play us at own game, and stack the odds in their favour.... I just make sure they don't get away with it. That's what I get paid for. And I'm damn good at it.
Lt Commander Data Duck

I am ever hopeful that people will turn up here and answer these questions, after all, their freedom could depend upon it....or even their they have the death penalty here or not??

Jen: How many stepmothers of yours are still alive? What happened to your Mother? How rich are you now Daddy is dead?

Harry: How long have you been drinking? Did Dwight die before you started here or did he die here?? Are you gay? Was Roland gay?Whose bra did you pick up earlier?

Scarlett: Was Roland planning to sell this place to bankroll your career?

Sheikh: Can you afford all this gambling? Where exactly are you from and why didn't you bring any of your wives with you?

Bet: Were you in love with Roland? Did you ever meet any of his wives? How old are you? What the hell has the world done to piss you off so much?

Candi: How did such an innocent as you end up in Vegas? Just what were you prepared to do to further your 'career'? What were the extras??

Tommy: How much of a stake do you have in the hotel? Did Roland owe you money? Do you know anything about Rolands numerous wives? Just how close are you to the Ewynns?

Sherry: Who is your mother?

Blimey, I need a drink after all that.

Izzy Gonyett
Were you in love with Roland?

Pfft.... what do you take me for? I am more than capable of being grateful to a man for giving me a break, without feeling the need to go all doe-eyed and gooey over him.   And We're not all money grabbing, gold diggers like that Scarlett O'Dear-I-have-no-career!

Did you ever meet any of his wives?

No. His daughters seem to be coming out of the woodwork though!

How old are you?

Old enough to spot a cheater when I see one, and young enough to chase the cheater out of town and all the way back to his trailer trash roots!

What the hell has the world done to piss you off so much?
What are you talking about? This is me in a good  mood.
Lt Commander Data Duck
9]  Harry where do you store your props and who has access to them other than you?

Good day Mr Sholmes.. I will try to answer what I can..

The props are stored in the props room right next to Roland's office, There are 2 keys. One is kept behind the cocktail bar and the other I believe is kept by the Black Witch. I just use the Cocktail bar key so I don't have to look at Death on legs more than I have too.

So far as I know the time of death must have been pretty close to when Bet Black started wailing about Roland's death a little after 10pm I managed to grab a quick look at the murder scene because I had been in the props room, before being ushered into the Casino. He looked almost alive.

If Roland had a will we are certainly not getting a look at it yet. 

Always here to help sir... 
Harry: How long have you been drinking? Did Dwight die before you started here or did he die here?? Are you gay? Was Roland gay?Whose bra did you pick up earlier?
Hey Vi Iv'e been drinking since I was a baby your gorgeousness  Breast fed and proud of it.
Dwight was my stage partner we worked here for years, then a year ago Roland somehow bankrolled the casino and no I'm not gay. If Roland was he kept it hidden from me and Dwight.
Bra? Oh! you were in the bar this morning huh? What you doing hiding there eh? I intend to do a little checking up on that bra. I do know one thing.. It was not yours honey.. You cant fit a quart into a pint glass
Candi: How did such an innocent as you end up in Vegas? Just what were you prepared to do to further your 'career'? What were the extras??
my mamma died and I needed to pay medical bills.  A friend who was out here already suggested dancing as the money is good.  It's true I do private dancing although I don't like it, but you get so much more than ordinary chorus dancing.

I do not give the sort of extras your implying 
Sorry people - AH have just woken up...
Gee Ah am sooo tired at the moment - Ah recently had mono and haven't really gotten over it.

So Hi Sherry... how are you? We haven't really gotten to know each other well have we honey?
How long have you worked at this here establishment? You must enjoy the work - you certainly have more than your fair share of drinky poos..

* laughs* Ah am wondering sugar how you manage not to fall over. Ah know Ah couldn't carry those big ole heavy trays  when ah am slightly worse for wear...
Honey you must have a constitution of a little ole ox..
Well, hello there Scarlett  I've only worked here a couple of months actually - but I'm already getting bigger and better tips than I ever got at my last place - love it.  I do like the perks of the job I must admit - lots and lots of drinkies on tap!

I actually fall over all the time, but somehow always manage to fall in a customer's lap and they are always more than willing to give me a hand  I love this job!

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