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Hi there Harry, what are you fancying tonight? I'm offering a mean Dry Hump if you want to test it?

I was just wondering about poor Dwight, such a hideous death, poor soul. Did that happen here or before you started working here? Oh, and how good are your hypnosis skills? I was wondering if you could hypnotise Bet into believing she can smile and her head won't explode?
Izzy Gonyett
Ahh Vi.. It's so hard to think about.. Happened a long time back. Right here in this casino before Roland (bless him) bought it. You have to remember the 3 of us go a long way back. Roland was always the manager type. Dwight was one of the best magicians on the circuit. The 2 of them had their spat, always coming up with new ideas. I tried to be as good as him but it was not to be. Then out for the blue a rabid rabbit. It just did not add up. The rabbit was placid. Wouldn't hurt a carrot .

You've given me an idea Vi.. This was a private function . There were only the very special invitation people here when it happened. How about we get them all together in here some time and I can hypnotise them one at a time.. I can dig deep into a persons mind.
Al, you were very close to Roland it seems.
Not as close as has been insinuated earlier but yeah he was a good mate thank y' very much...
*takes drink**
Can you tell me more about his wives? Are any of them still with us?
We met at his 6th wedding at the chapel, I was an usher, Dave Pelvis married them
Roland never talked about his wives 'cept to bemoan there passing in his more drunken moments..Though Daisy (#6) was definetly the only one I know who passed on to the great casino in the sky
What about Jen's Mum?
You'll have to ask Jen that I'm sorry *empties drink in one**
Ensign Muf

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