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Right you lot! I have a couple of things to say before I go on stage, so  stop the sniping and zip it girls...

Now I was in the bar early this morning and came across something that needs a little explaining....CANDI!

Takes Bra from pocket, you dropped this sweetie but I almost broke my toe on it.. How long have you been keeping a lady like knife in your bra eh? That should take some explaining..

It got me thinking and as far as I can tell Candi  is the only one without an alibi, Why? Because you've been doing a lot of, shall we say .. private entertainment in the back room. Locked in the dressing room my ass! You were nowhere to be seen at the time of Roland's death. That means you could have picked the right moment to slip in and do the dirty deed unseen, then pop back in all shocked like. Explain that Candi.
did you know Roland before you started working at the Sweaty Palms? (If you can call it work...)

I've known Roland since I've began working at the Sweaty Palms a year ago....... before that.....yeah I knew of him.....I've worked in Vegas all my life Harry! And when I say work, I mean WORK! Not strutting about in a sparkly see through vest and a top hat, looking like Paul Daniels less attractive older brother.

We weren't what you would call close though, it was a purely working relationship, I don't know him intimately like half the underfed, wannabe's masquarading as waitresses/cops/so called fiancees.
Lt Commander Data Duck
perhaps you can explain what a Pit Boss actually does Hmmm?

Christ, you're thicker than I thought Harry Houthehelltaughtme.

*swallows back down the smidgen of respect that seeped out earlier*

A Pit Boss is in charge of the employees on the casino floor. It's my job to sniff out the cheats, liars and criminals, staff and punters alike!

And I tell you something for nothing Harry........ this room is full of 'em.
Lt Commander Data Duck
Now I was in the bar early this morning and came across something that needs a little explaining....CANDI! Takes Bra from pocket, you dropped this sweetie but I almost broke my toe on it.. How long have you been keeping a lady like knife in your bra eh? That should take some explaining.. It got me thinking and as far as I can tell Candi  is the only one without an alibi, Why? Because you've been doing a lot of, shall we say .. private entertainment in the back room. Locked in the dressing room my ass! You were nowhere to be seen at the time of Roland's death. That means you could have picked the right moment to slip in and do the dirty deed unseen, then pop back in all shocked like. Explain that Candi.
Well Harriet on the Weekend  y'all better give me back that bra - it's sarkozy crystal encrusted and very expensive.  Knife??  Knife???  I know nothing about a knife - for all I know you put it there - we only have your word there was one there at all    I bet you stole my bra you kinky old thing!

However, it is true I don't have an alibi  oh shoot the one night I'm not dancing and someone gets iced 

Besides why would I kill Roland - he still owes me money for my dancing (money I need by the way) and dead men don't pay up 

Jen honey I hope you honour your father's agreement with me - I have bills to pay 
What bills would these be Candi?
don't sweat it pitt bull, I don't steal   these puppies needs paying for is all.  Why else do you think I degrade myself dancing - the money is good.  Regular dancing means I don't need to steal or kill for money.

besides, I may not be the brightest button in the box, but anything I do is all my own hard work 
Intermission.. They are loving me out there! An audience that recognised a true magician! Vi Pass me my Dalwhinnie i need a drink before I get back on stage..

And I tell you something for nothing Harry........ this room is full of 'em.

And I suppose it took all of your 2 brain cells to work that one out Ms Death..

Oh and Candi you can keep he bra.. I get plenty bra's thrown at me every time I'm on stage.
Ya know Chip honey, I don't know a real lot about poker but ain't Africa a strange place to hold a poker tournament????
It's not one of the better known venues but it's a professional tournament and I kind of like the place. I hang out there a lot. It has its advantages: there's no Bet Black screaming in everyone's ear and I don't have to worry that some clown's going to run into a knife causing me to be detained and questioned by a ton of fake Inspector Cluesos.

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