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o Sheikh, exactly how does a man like you get into pig farming? Seems a long way from the oilfields.

i am a good beeziness man and i found a way to make ze bucks - i am a man who likes heez creeture comforts
Peegs are cheap to keep but can make ze spondoolies - i have  a lifestyle to maintain
Vi /Scarlett - who wants to viseet my palace??(not Bet)
Sheikh Aleg

Seems waiting around here tonight isn't gonna bag me a bit of alone time with the Big Gunn.

I'd love to stay and chat people ......(actually I wouldn't,  I was just trying my hand at being polite.....can't say I enjoyed it)..........but some of us have work to do!

*attaches ear pierce*

OI....YOU ON TABLE 11, shuffle those cards as if your life depended on it, cos it will when I get hold of you......
Lt Commander Data Duck
takes a detour on her way to the pit*

*slips a note under Tommy Gunn's hotel room door*


Missed you in the Casino tonight, you must be real busy with that accountant to miss two nights on a row on the tables.

I have a question or two for you...... I've been thinking of the help you gave Roland in opening this place, was it purely finacial or did you help build this place too? You seem to have your fingers in a lot of pies, or should that be sausage rolls... Ginster? Do you or your family own a building firm? Did you build this place?

Oh and one last question........How long have you know Roland? Did you meet him when you financed this place just over a year ago? Or do you go waaay back like Harry Hedidit?

Thanks for you time Tommy Boy,

Hope to see you losing on the tables real soon,

Bet Black.
Lt Commander Data Duck
Last edited by Lt Commander Data Duck
Bit of a whirlwind romance you and Roland had then Scarlett? Only met a few months ago and already talking marriage, then he's dead....take note Sheikh.

what are you implying Vi?
I have no reason to kill Rolypoly...

You however..
well lets face it honey... there is only so much lipo a girl can take.
Tell me, what did you promise Roly for all that facial help?
I keep telling you, there is nothing fake about me. I realise that in your line of work you are surrounded by plastic people, I can even see that you have succombed yourself...wonky eyebrows and permanently startled expression are a dead giveaway. Mind you, that expression could be as a result of some act in your last film, I hear you took it like a man, so well done.

Anyway, I am not a suspect, just an ex-cop trying to carve out a new life here in Vegas.
Izzy Gonyett
I got locked in my dressing room for hours and yelled and yelled - how come none of you heard me?
You think someone's going to hear you over Jen's endless shrieking, Bet's endless bullying or Sheikh's constant reminders of how many wives he's got and what he does with pigs?

It's a cold, harsh world out there. Don't leave your key on the outside next time sugarpie. I'm going to hit the tables and relieve some sorry sonofabitch of all their wordly possessions.

Candi, sweetie, you really need to get your act together, no wonder you never made it out of the chorus line, locked in your dressing room, my ass. And FYI, Roland rarely came into this bar, he preferred to stay in the main Casino and drink there. Besides, as I told Scarlett, I am NOT on the list of suspects, I am just trying to get some justice for Roland.

Scarlett, I was not a uniformed member of the force, I was actually quite high ranking. Still, I can't deny that I made use of some of the hardware.

Izzy Gonyett
Do you reckon Chip stands much of a chance of winning big here Bet?

*shrugs* Depends........if he's as good as he claims to be.... but then the ones who talk big rarely are. My spidey senses are on to something. I think Mr Flash is all mouth and no trousers ......maybe you could investigate that for me Vi....... I'd rather not get too close to those polyester pants.
Lt Commander Data Duck

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