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Good evening Ladies & Gentlemen - These are just my little musings 


So Mr Chip Leader.  Roland had a secret stash of diamonds did he!   Did you think that he was cheating you out of money by selling someone else's diamonds?  You claim that you make enough playing poker but why would you smuggle if that was the case? Isn’t it a little suspicious that of all the places that a poker tournament could take place, your next one is in Cape Town a city known for its diamond links?  You claim you were playing poker with the Sheikh and Scarlett at the time of Roland’s death.  Convenient alibi?  Did you brush past where Roland was sitting and put the knife in?  

And you Tommy Gunn.  So just who did own this casino?  You say you financed Roland and set him up as a manager yet he entered into a bet with the Sheikh.  Did you know about this bet?  Did you encourage him to scam money off the Sheikh or was Roland scamming you – taking the money and leaving you with the fall out?  You say you were in the gaming room watching the show but no one has said they saw you.  Did you sneak up on Roland and plunge that chicken into his heart? 

Funnily enough sweet little Jen, Tommy’s recently betrothed, was also watching the show yet states no other alibi.  How can anyone believe this?  Did you kill your daddy because he ignored you?  Were you only going to marry Tommy because it got your daddy’s attention?  Were you angry when you found out you had a half-sister that would taken even more attention away from you?  Did you slip off to talk to daddy only to find that chicken and roast  your father? 


Now we come to bull dog Bet.  The same ball breaker that lets no one away with cheating.  The hawkeyed queen of the pit.  Where were your eyes when your boyfriend was scamming Roland?  You say you were in the gaming room keeping an eye on Chip yet no one else saw you there.  You would have had plenty of time to slip past everyone and kill poor Roland - death by chicken!  With Roland dead, you believed your boyfriends debt died with him didn’t you? 

Now let us turn to the lovely Scarlett of the OSCA


Sheikh          &



First we’re told Roland wanted to marry you.  Then we find out you had a love child.  You state you have a gambling addiction.  Did you owe a lot of money to Roland?  Did he take advantage of this knowledge to fleece you of  even more money in addition to blackmailing you over your child???  Allegedly Chip and Sheikh were in the gaming room with you but did you get up to ‘powder your nose’ and season Roland instead? 


Sherry my dear.  So Roland didn’t want to know you.  Did you take that piece of news hard?  Were you ticked off because the louse lavished so much money on Jen but not on you and the fact that she is legitimate?  You say he paid you some money but we don’t know how much.  What is this DNA evidence?  Was it cooked up to show you were his daughter?  You say you were with Al in the bar watching Harry’s show – but did you ply Al with so much drink he was drunk and didn’t see you slip away and rubber neck your new found daddy? 


And so we come to friendly Al uh huh!  Roland’s friend so much so he screwed him over.  Were you angry when you found out he’d employed your rival Art Braykotel as star billing and demoted you to 4th Elvii?  You state you had to sell some of your Elvis memorabilia – did Roland refuse to give you a loan?  Was the marriage venue failing?  You could easily have moved from the bar while Sherry was engrossed in Harry’s show and fried Roland with that bloomin’ chicken. 


Mr Sheikh Aleg 2nd richest Arab guy in the world hun! Man of the desert and man of honour!  Well you would have been dishonoured if it got out that you’d bet for a casino only to find out you’d been scammed by Roland when you find out he didn’t own the joint!  Did you kill him to satisfy your honour?  Or did you truly believe he was the owner of the joint and that in order to collect on the bet Roland would have to die before Midnight?  So how did you do it?  Everyone knows you hide behind swathes of clothes and Gucci glasses – did you send a servant to the table to fool Chip and Scarlett into providing an alibi for you?  That would have left you free to kill Roland and not be missed – did you make soup of Roland?  Did you?


And lastly we come to Harry.  The guy who was performing his act on stage but did he hypnotise everyone into believing he was on stage when in fact he was skewering Roland?  Now here’s a wacky idea – is he really Dwight?  Only Sherry claims to have seen Dwight on a show years ago.  Was Dwight the star of the show and was he about to dump Harry so Harry killed Dwight???? Did Harry have growth hormones to make him bigger and Roland knew this and the fact that Harry killed Dwight?  Was Roland the only one who knew and was the hypnotherapy sessions to make Roland forget this with the threat of a white bunny if he deviated from the plan?  Was Roland about to discredit Harry and was killed because of it?? 


Now the question is which one of you lot did it???? Well Sheikh Aleg J’accuse  I don’t believe that accent if as you say you have an English mother -  your English would be much better.  I believe you felt dishonoured and so killed when you found out that the casino was not Roland’s to bet with and you lost money because you also bet on your bet.  I think you’re a man who doesn’t like being beat.  You prefer to have everyone at your beck and call.  You give this impression of a nice man with 21 wives to support but that can be expensive.  You are at risk of being disinherited from your oil supply money – your people would lose all respect for you.  Gambling although rampant in your culture is frowned upon and not considered very religious or a pious way of life.  Do you really expect us to believe that you have pig farms in Africa?  I suspect you are in shady deals with Mr Leader.  You sir are a crook and a fraud and now you are a murderer.  


 I stand by everything I said about you.

Gasp! I've a good mind to snap me fingers

Disd you hypnotise her so you had the power to make her forget you had left the stage long enough to kill her daddy???

Oooops....forgot it was all over....
Izzy Gonyett
It was AL that did it

If you weren't so big and hard I'd put your nose across your face
Like all good lies, yours has a lot of truth in it apart from the fact that I didn't do it!!!
The way I see it, there are only three suspects in this case. You of course are one Tommy, Then there is poor Jen and bringing up the rear as usual is Bet
Now I reckon that you weren't as loved up with Jen as she believed! But you were using her to get at her old man whom you hated because he was taking all the credit for this place when it [in your opinion] was down to you that this place existed at all!!
Luckily for you your real girlfriend who you met in Tallahassee in 1973. Where she was working as a bearded lady in a carnival.
(I've lost the thread of this)
So Bet did it! In the library! With a candlestick!
(After that, she went round to Rolands office and stabbed him for taking the piss) 
Ensign Muf
Now the question is which one of you lot did it???? Well Sheikh Aleg J’accuse  I don’t believe that accent if as you say you have an English mother -  your English would be much better.  I believe you felt dishonoured and so killed when you found out that the casino was not Roland’s to bet with and you lost money because you also bet on your bet.  I think you’re a man who doesn’t like being beat.  You prefer to have everyone at your beck and call.  You give this impression of a nice man with 21 wives to support but that can be expensive.  You are at risk of being disinherited from your oil supply money – your people would lose all respect for you.  Gambling although rampant in your culture is frowned upon and not considered very religious or a pious way of life.  Do you really expect us to believe that you have pig farms in Africa?  I suspect you are in shady deals with Mr Leader.  You sir are a crook and a fraud and now you are a murderer.

Candi honey...

You and ah are women of the world and we can tell bad men when we see them.. 
Bloody hell, could you lot type less, it's took ages for me to read these accusation for The Daily Sin 

Well done the lot of you... it's been really entertaining 

I've no clue who did it, so I'm still blaming Al... and he knows why  


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