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Bet's boyfriend. Bet's mystery boyfriend. Bet's mystery boyfriend who was riddled with debt that he could only offload if Roland died. That boyfriend. I think y'all know the one I mean. 

This dude is a chief suspect. Why isn't he here telling us where he was on the night of the murder? Maybe he is here, we just don't know it yet. Harry is it you? 

The only person who knows for sure is Bet. She can't hold back information on a major suspect. So, Betty dearest, the time it has cometh. SPILL: WHO IS HE?

You really think I've gonna name him while that Sheikh the Flake is here?  He's obsessed with debt....... he'd never leave my big dope alone (well...not till he wanders off to stroke his camels and forgets all about it again ).

Some things are better off left alone.  

I'll tell you something for nothing though..... I'd bet my life on him being innocent. He wouldn't dare kill someone without checking with me first.
Lt Commander Data Duck
my loveable little rotweiller.

Who you calling loveable?

are you sure you don't mean 'girlfriend'?

Well, as tempted as I am to cast aspersions on the masculinity of that idiot of mine ........... unfortunately not.

I may have been barking up the wrong tree....... but you are pissing in the wind,  my unlovable cheating acquaintance.
Lt Commander Data Duck
Well good luck with that one Drip.  I'll look forward to watching you fail spectacularly....... I may have to take a photograph of you at the exact moment you realise how dumb you've been, frame it, and stick on the wall of my office, alongside all the other dumb asses I've watched come a cropper in my time.

Here's to tomorrow night asshole
Lt Commander Data Duck
I have to prepare a denial as well as an accusation? You think I''ve got nothing better to do with my time. 

I didn't kill Roland! I was busying keeping my beady eye on that overgrown kid who hasn't grown out of playing games! If I was the murderer why the hell would I lie and give that Drip an alibi?

I had no reason to kill Roland....... he'd agreed I could keep my job, we WERE paying him back, no matter what that snidey failed cop would have you believe. Everything was working out fine! Now he's dead..... what do I have? A complete nutcase for a boss, one who would gamble the casino away to the next money grabbing asshole who came along? Great job stability that.

I have much more to lose with Roland dead.
Lt Commander Data Duck
Gets violin out to accompany Bet...

Roland was giving me all of the work I could get my hands on, It was his way of saying sorry I guess for the accident, He had faith in me even to the point of letting me  Hypnotise him. Hell he was even investing in the hypnotherapy business because of our long standing friendship. With his help I was just getting my life back in order again. To kill him was like me  cutting my own  throat. 
Remember I was on stage half of y's said you were there at the time watching me! 

I have no more to say.
Evening all you suspect types and also the brassy red headed big bosomed woman who offers drinks now and then and flirts outrageously with all the men ..

I must say my brain seems to have been affected by the Casino air and for once I am having difficulty working out who did the dastardly deed... I have separated the motives into who gains, financially or personally and who seeks vengeance rather than a gain.. Some suspects fall under both lists.. I am starting to think you all had a hand in it . .anyway here's what I think so far. . I may be way off especially as I have forgotten a lot of the details

Those who will gain Financially or Personally

The Sheik  gains financially because of the bet...  and who's to know whether he really is as rich as he keeps boasting.. sounds a lot of hot air to me...

Tommy Gunn gains on an emotional level as he finally gets the girl, and possibly on a financial level as maybe the Casino reverted to him on Roland's Death..

Chip Leader may gain financially too if Roland was stiffing him on the Diamond deals..

Bet Black gains Financially as her BF's debt is wiped out.. 

Al could be Bet's Bf so gains if his debt is wiped out too..

Jen gains financially as I presume she expected to inherit the Casino and had put in all the work after all..

Scarlet gains financially as her gambling debts are wiped out

Sherry could gain financially if she can prove she was his daughter..

Those who may have wanted Vengeance

Harry may have wanted payback for the death of his partner...

Bet may have wanted payback for something she may feel Roland cheated her out of. .she sure doesn't like a cheat..

Al may want revenge for 4th billing as an Elvis.. and for any perceived slight to his possible GF, Bet.

Sherry may have wanted payback cos Roland wouldn't recognise her as his daughter..

Candi may have tried to steal the Diamonds from the safe and Roland caught her in the act so she had to kill him. .[has anybody checked to see if they are still in  the safe?] and she too may be another of Rolands children that he wanted to keep quiet about

Tommy may want vengeance cos despite the fact he bankrolled Roland he was still not considered a suitable suitor for his daughter..


So that's my thoughts so far..  3 of the suspects seem to alibi each other as they were in a poker game together, Chip, The Sheik and Scarlet.. but all seem to have a motive of some sort ...

which is why I feel YOU ALL DID IT 

If I had to chose one of you I really couldn't 

*is rubbish at this stuff ... it was always Watson that solved everything.. I just took the credit.. *
Willy Cook
Last edited by Willy Cook

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