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Enough questions already  now you all know where I was when Roland was killed but what about the rest of you lot eh?   I think it's about time that everyone revealed where and what they were doing at the time of the murder
For the love of little white bunny rabbits will you lot stop with the questions already Arguement

as it says up there ^  you all know where I was when Roland was killed now I think it's only fair that yo'all tell me where you were and what you were doing at the time of the murder Angry
Scarlett, honey, so when do you start shooting this film about the casino boss it before or after the poledancing one? Has anyone told Sharp Sid in Chicago? If you were only sleeping with him to clear debts and protect your daughter, how did you know so much about the alledged sale yet no about the bet? Are you what they call a 'method actor'?
Lawksamuskie - where do ah start?


Ah am literally finishing the pole dancing one and then straight on to the casino one.

What are they supposed to have told Sid?

Ah can't remember what else I am supposed to know or not know - sorry honey
you all know where I was when Roland was killed now I think it's only fair that yo'all tell me where you were and what you were doing at the time of the murder


I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Working! Just as I have told you all before.

I was in the gaming room, keeping my hawkeyes trained on Chip, making sure he didn't have any spare diamonds up his sleeve.
Lt Commander Data Duck
Jen a couple ov theengs puzzle me:

*  You say your father spoilt you but you only mention material things - what was your relationship really like with your father and did he really appreciate all the hard work you did at the casino?
* what were the meds vi was going to get for you - i cannot see your answer anywhere and what were they for??
*Your 5th stepmother died at 22!! in her sleep!!! - what was the cause of death???
*What did you really feel when you found out that your father had  bet the casino away and it went to me???

AL - I cannot understand why you remained at the Casino when you did not get the star bill as planned - why did you not leave - a thwarted star =  a flounce.
Sheikh Aleg
The last thing I remember is Harry pulling a rubber chicken from his hat
 of course you did Sherry That's cos I no longer had the rabbit, and that was the last time I saw that chicken till later that night on Roland's desk!! It was removed from my props.

Think of it. The whole room saw me with the chicken, the finger point to me eh?
All except you Candid?
I already declared I didn't have an alibi - I was in the dressing room.

Besides yo'all say you were in the gaming room and some of you alibi each other but you say you were watching Chip but did anyone say they saw you???  No my dear they did not!

Tommy Gunn says he was watching the magic act but did anyone actually see him there?

Little Jen says she too was watching the magic act but didn't say that Tommy or anyone else was with her !!!!!!!!!!

so any of yo'all could be lying or covering for each other 
*  You say your father spoilt you but you only mention material things - what was your relationship really like with your father and did he really appreciate all the hard work you did at the casino? * what were the meds vi was going to get for you - i cannot see your answer anywhere and what were they for?? *Your 5th stepmother died at 22!! in her sleep!!! - what was the cause of death??? *What did you really feel when you found out that your father had  bet the casino away and it went to me???

Well sheikh honey I ain't gonna lie. I loved my daddy but I did all the work at the casino. If it wasn't for me the place would have gone out of business a long time ago. I always felt it was kinda unfair that I did all the work and he got all the credit.

The meds were just a pick-me-up a gal gets mighty tired running around the casino making sure everything's ticking over. I guess I was just kinda run-down ya know?

I don't know what she died of she just sorta didn't wake up. She wasn't ill when she went to bed. The postmortem said she died of natural causes they said she had some sort of tumour but she seemed okay to me before all of that.

I ain't gonna say I was happy that daddy lost the casino in a bet but what could I do about it? I didn't blame you for it and just thought well what's done is done I'm just gonna have to carry on like I always have it's not like I got a whole lot of help before now is it?

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