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you don't have the ability to look at the full picture and  find a real motive for Roland's death.

You blame Roland for Dwight's death. He was your partner. All you needed to know was whether or not Roland was to blame and you found that out through hypnosis. How much more of a motive would you need? The fact you hypnotised Jen to shut her up sure doesn't help your cause!
I only ask because you've gotta be truly crazy to murder someone you've only know three hours......... unless they did something truly terrible themselves? The person you have a greivance against is Raymond...... did Roland know Raymond.......or did Roland remind you of Raymond. Did you murder poor Roland just because he was the last in a long line of men who tried to take advantage of you?
Lt Commander Data Duck
Candi.......... did you first meet Roland three hours before he died then? Or did you know him before that?
I didn't know him before that - I interviewed for a job that day (he'd advertised for it)  thinking it was in the chorus but it was just for private dancing    Roland seemed very keen for me to dance for all his 'best clients'  the only two I danced for were Chip and the Sheikh
What did you stand to lose if Roland lived....... your part-time smuggling racket? The one you insist doesn't mean that much to you cos you earn more through your silly little game of poker. Well you wouldn't earn much playing it in prison now would you?

For a while there you had me fooled into thinking you might actually have a brain inside that strangely masculine head of yours. To incriminate me, Roland would also be incriminating himself. If I lost everything, so would he. It was a partnership we were not in competition with each other and unlike you, I don't have a partner who owed a bundle to the casino who could only get out of it through Roland's death.

What we need to ascertain here is whether it was you who killed him, or whether your mystery boyfriend is one of the other suspects here and you did it together. You, hapless Harry and your mysterious freak boyfriend (must have been a bit of an oddball to be going out with a loudmouth tomboy) are top of my list of suspects and I ain't gonna stop till I get to the bottom of it.
I only ask because you've gotta be truly crazy to murder someone you've only know three hours......... unless they did something truly terrible themselves? The person you have a greviance against is Raymond...... did Roland know Raymond.......or did Roland remind you of Raymond. Did you murder poor Roland just because he was the last in a long line of men who tried to take advantage of you?
why on God's green Earth would I kill a man I only met 3 hours before he died.

it's possible that Roland and Raymond knew each other - they were in the same business but I have no knowledge of that.  Physically there is no resemblance between the two however, their minds (dirty minds) were very similar.

Look let's be honest here, I might have been tempted to steal from Roland, well borrow and not give the money back I prefer to call it - stealing is such vulgar word.  But I've cleaned up my act now and am trying to earn an honest living and that doesn't include either stealing or killing.

Private dancing may not be the most glamorous of occupations but it pays well and that's all I need to clear my debts and open my own joint 
Du Daaaa!

I was treating Roland, my friend, for a smoking addiction, I was not seeking whether or not Roland was to blame. (Back to the Rabbit ) Roland offered the information out of the blue. I forgave him because it was not his fault. Why would anyone be so hateful of rabbits anyway, Roland hated rabbits. There has to be some symbolism there but I did not have time to dig deep enough someone killed him to stop me getting there.. Can't you see that! 

If I had wanted to to take advantage of Jen when she was hypnotised I would not has simple played a little joke on her..
Roland offered the information out of the blue. I forgave him because it was not his fault. Why would anyone be so hateful of rabbits anyway, Roland hated rabbits.
how often did you treat Roland and was it always on the 1st of the month or did he refuse the 1st of the month given his aversion to white rabbits???? 
Sherry, sweetie, quick questions for you honey. How long have you been here? Why wouldn't Roland acknowledge you as his publicly? How much money did he give you? Were Harry and Dwight on the telly or did you see their act live? Were you a massive fan? Who was the better part of the act...Harry or Dwight???

Crikey - questions, questions  Not that long - Roland offered me a decent wage to come and work here (I was at the Golden Chicken Nugget before).  He gave me enough money to buy a whole (huge) wardrobe of fantastic (mostly designer) clothes and some left over.  I only ever saw Dwight on the TV - I loved that act, it was brilliant.  I suppose I have a softspot for Harry, so I would have to say him
Scarlett, honey, so when do you start shooting this film about the casino boss it before or after the poledancing one? Has anyone told Sharp Sid in Chicago? If you were only sleeping with him to clear debts and protect your daughter, how did you know so much about the alledged sale yet no about the bet? Are you what they call a 'method actor'?
Izzy Gonyett
SHERRY - Why did Roland give you money? Did he ask you to leave? Did he ask you to keep quiet about him being your father? Did Roland give you a job BEFORE you told him who you were, or after? What was the argument about? How long ago did you first meet Roland. Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh?
Just in case you haven't got the brains to be able to turn a page.
Lt Commander Data Duck
SCARLETT - Did you have any kind of relationship with Roland.... or was it purely a financial deal to pay back your debts? Did you know Roland before coming to Las Vegas a few months ago to film? When did you win your award... before or after coming to Vegas? Did Roland tell you he was going to sell the casino? How old are you? Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh?

Lt Commander Data Duck
Why did Roland give you money? Did he ask you to leave? Did he ask you to keep quiet about him being your father? Did Roland give you a job BEFORE you told him who you were, or after? What was the argument about? How long ago did you first meet Roland. Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh?

He gave me money because I really wanted to get to know him - but he didn't feel the same and basically just wanted me to keep quiet  I've only really been here a couple of months - so not long, though my Mom told me loads about Roland.  I didn't know about that bet Bet

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