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I've just gone looking for Candi I couldn't find her anywhere. I went into her dressing room thinking she was maybe getting changed for her next act but no, no Candi. She wasn't there, but THIS was...


We've all heard Candi crying about all her debts. Did she kill my poor daddy to get his diamonds so she could pay her debts off a bit quicker? 

Something tells me we're getting closer to finding out who murdered Roland. I'm sure it won't be long now till the cops raid the place and handcuff the culprit. I for one can't WAIT to see the look on that persons face.

I've been thinking about poor Roland a lot today.......and I have a few questions I don't feel have been satisfactorily answered.....

CANDI - did Roland offer you money (or diamonds) in return for sex? Were you blackmailing any of the suspects here tonight? Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh?

CHIP -  are you married? (just checking whether Candi had any hold over you you understand.......I'm not interested personally ) In your diamond deals with Roland, did you ever hand over less than he paid for? Did Roland put the advert in the paper to put pressure on you to pay up? Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh?

SHERRY - Why did Roland give you money? Did he ask you to leave? Did he ask you to keep quiet about him being your father? Did Roland give you a job BEFORE you told him who you were, or after? What was the argument about? How long ago did you first meet Roland. Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh?

JEN - Why are you honouring the bet between Roland and the Shiekh when there is no proof it even happened? Did you know Roland was against Tommy and you being a couple? Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh?

AL - Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh?

SHIEKH - Have you even been unfaithful to your wife? Did Candi do a private dance for you? Did Candi try and blackmail you? Did you know Jen was running the casino?

SCARLETT - Did you have any kind of relationship with Roland.... or was it purely a financial deal to pay back your debts? Did you know Roland before coming to Las Vegas a few months ago to film? When did you win your award... before or after coming to Vegas? Did Roland tell you he was going to sell the casino? How old are you? Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh?

HARRY - Was Dwight a man or a rabbit? Did Roland know you liked dressing up as a woman? Have you had a relationship with any of the female suspects? Did you charge Roland for the hypnotherapy sessions? Have you ever had sexual relations with someone while they are hypnotised? Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh?

That's it......for now....... but I'm watching you all
Lt Commander Data Duck
Thats it bet throw them off the scent by asking a load of pointless questions.. I have to tell the truth so some of the answers will be vague.
1   Was Dwight a man or a rabbit? ..... He was a man
2  Did Roland know you liked dressing up as a woman? I don't know
3  Have you had a relationship with any of the female suspects?  No.
4  Did you charge Roland for the hypnotherapy sessions? Yes it's a business.
5  Have you ever had sexual relations with someone while they are hypnotised? Certainly not!
6  Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh? Not until everyone else did.
Bet saying as you are so fond of asking questions how about answering a few.

What's the range of that headset of yours?
Does it work while inside Roland's office ?
What colour underwear do you prefer?
Have you ever done military service? 
Do you EVER wear a dress?
Have you ever taken an anger management course?
Why don't you have a sense of humour?
CHIP -  are you married? (just checking whether Candi had any hold over you you understand.......I'm not interested personally ) In your diamond deals with Roland, did you ever hand over less than he paid for? Did Roland put the advert in the paper to put pressure on you to pay up? Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh?

No Bet I'm not married. Roland always got exactly what he paid for. I think he put the advert in the paper just to see how many people he could get interested in the diamonds so he could make more money. As it turned out he got more custom than I could supply. Like I said before I'm not really a bona fide diamond smuggler I have very limited resources in that respect. No, I didn't know about the bet between Roland and the sheikh.
What's the range of that headset of yours?    Far enough so you can hear me in your nightmares

Does it work while inside Roland's office ? Why...... are you scared I heard you waggling your rubber chicken at him?

What colour underwear do you prefer? Black of course...duh.

Have you ever done military service?  I tried it once..... but I made the Training Sergeant piss his pants when I ordered him to drop and do twenty.

Do you EVER wear a dress? YOU'RE NOT BORROWING IT! 

Have you ever taken an anger management course? I don't need teaching how to channel my anger at the pathetic creatures I'm paid to manage.

Why don't you have a sense of humour? My sense of humour is in perfect working order...... it just suffers from a lack of stimulation. I'm still waiting for one of you to say something funny 
Lt Commander Data Duck
Bet saying as you are so fond of asking questions how about answering a few.

How about answering one of mine? Why did you hypnotise Jen as soon as she began to ask questions about Roland? You're obviously worried she's going to uncover something you'd rather kept secret. What might that be? What was the real reason you hypnotised Roland?
OK Chip.. I shall play your game.. Once again Roland asked for the Hypnotherapy he paid for the Hypnotherapy, he even helped set the business up. Nothing sinister there Chip.

I hypnotised Jen as she was getting too stressed out, she knew all about the sessions with her father but I have to admit   that once I had her under I could not resist a little joke. It seemed to go down well in the Casino.. You see I have a devilish sense of humour.
I bet you'd find waving a rubber chicken to imply someone was a yellow bellied coward hilarious too.

A yellow bellied coward eh? Now who around here uses that type of talk.. Let me think.

Lets go through the scenario Bet (I thought you were supposed to be intelligent).. I walks into Roland's office use my own prop as some kind of rag to a bull then leave it at the murder scene. 

Yeah that would throw everyone off the scent if I did it.. WAKE UP BET BABY!! 

More likely you grabbed the chicken to throw people off the murder YOU committed. I can see you now Yapping away to your Croupiers pretending to be watching them as you plunged the knife in again and again... Very clever Bet, but not clever enough to fool Harry!
I walks into Roland's office use my own prop as some kind of rag to a bull then leave it at the murder scene. Yeah that would throw everyone off the scent if I did it..

It's too obvious to be you? Maybe that's what you'd like us to think Harry. Maybe it's your idea of an "intelligent" double bluff....... or maybe you just ARE that damn stupid? Lets face it, someone who thinks a rubber chicken is the height of comedy in 2010, ain't blessed with an abundance of brain cells are they?

Or who knows, maybe you were so overcome with uncontrollable anger, you just weren't thinking of how bad it looked?

Time will tell Haribo.
Lt Commander Data Duck
I hypnotised Jen as she was getting too stressed out

Thanks Harry. That's as weak and unconvincing as I knew it would be. Too stressed out huh? What does she know that you don't want us to know? You killed Roland didn't you Harry? Dwight's dead and it's all Roland's fault. You hypnotised him to find out if he was the one responsible for Dwights death and you got your answer. Poor Dwight, Dwight who may or may not be a rabbit well he's an ex rabbit now isn't he? Let's all have some nice rabbit stew.

Game over Harry GAME OVER I've got you just where I want you
Or who knows, maybe you were so overcome with uncontrollable anger, you just weren't thinking of how bad it looked?
Oh Harry was overcome by uncontrollable anger

It's you baby There is so much anger and resentment in you that you sweat the stuff. Whats your favourite perfume?..... poison? 

You wear black all the time so's your ready for the next funeral.

You said it yourself Even Military service could not compare to your rages..

You could not have stopped yourself.. Admit you would not hesitate to kill.
i ze sheik iz ere
SHIEKH - Have you even been unfaithful to your wife? Did Candi do a private dance for you? Did Candi try and blackmail you? Did you know Jen was running the casino?

Ze answers to your queestions Bet are here:
1. not reaally jest cast ze eye over bootiful womin - eef I vont zem i marry zem - simples
2. Only vonce in the office. candi has never blackmailed me.
4.yes i did know Jen did all the work and vas running ze caseeeno
Sheikh Aleg
That's as weak and unconvincing as I knew it would be.
Well chip If you would look out from under your shades sometime you would find the the truth is weak and unconvincing, because it does not contain the excitement you crave. What your saying is you want me to embellish my answer is that it? So you cling on to a weak theory because you are a one stop man, you don't have the ability to look at the full picture and  find a real motive for Roland's death. 
Dream on Chip.
Jen a couple ov theengs puzzle me:

*  You say your father spoilt you but you only mention material things - what was your relationship really like with your father and did he really appreciate all the hard work you did at the casino?
* what were the meds vi was going to get for you - i cannot see your answer anywhere and what were they for??
*Your 5th stepmother died at 22!! in her sleep!!! - what was the cause of death???
*What did you really feel when you found out that your father had  bet the casino away and it went to me???

AL - I cannot understand why you remained at the Casino when you did not get the star bill as planned - why did you not leave - a thwarted star =  a flounce.
Sheikh Aleg
Game over Harry GAME OVER I've got you just where I want you

And that's all this is to you Drip isn't it? A game? One you just HAVE to win! Cos that's all that's important to you isn't it? Winning at all costs!

What did you stand to lose if Roland lived....... your part-time smuggling racket? The one you insist doesn't mean that much to you cos you earn more through your silly little game of poker. Well you wouldn't earn much playing it in prison now would you? And Roland had that power over you....... one word in the wrong persons ear, and that was your career down the pan.

I can't imagine someone like you, someone who has worked so hard for so many years to get to the top of his game......letting someone like Roland pull his strings. The only thing I need to figure out is why you would call him a coward?
Lt Commander Data Duck
CANDI - did Roland offer you money (or diamonds) in return for sex? Were you blackmailing any of the suspects here tonight? Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh
1. Did Roland offer you money (or diamonds) in return for sex?   Yes the dirty devil did but I refused both.
2.  Were you blackmailing any of the suspects here tonight?  No - I had only been here 3 hours before Roland died and didn't have enough time to blackmail anyone   although I could now blackmail the Sheikh - I'm sure he wouldn't any mention of his private dance getting back to the folks at home, them being all conservative and all. 
3. Did you know about the bet between Roland and the Sheikh.  No knew nothing about it honey.

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