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How's Scarlett's 'therapy' going Harry? Is she managing to stay away from the tables? Have you managed to get her on her back yet??

So she told you about our little arrangement did she Vi.. Well If you think back a long way I did mention that I could use my hypnosis to help find the murderer. I think you all ignored me.. Perhaps you all think of Harry as a washed up magician down on his luck eh? Wrong suckers

I've been playing the drunk so's you would not realise the truth. Remember there was not one death here there was two. My friend and fellow magician Dwight   also met an untimely death here. Now he was a brilliant man and probably found out something was not right with the ownership of the casino. I remember him getting rather moody and worried. He seemed cornered. The only person I know of who could frighten Dwight was Tommy and his  heavies. Now look at it this way. I think Roland found out about Tommy's involvement in Dwights death. When I used to hypnotise Roland for his smoking addiction and say smoking is bad for you he would repeat "Tommy is bad for you." but I could not get him to say more.. Make your own minds up on that one..
I can help to clear you if you are innocent. You just have to let me hypnotise you. A person can' t hide the guilt of murder under hypnosis. Let me help free your minds of the feeling of being a suspect. If you all play ball perhaps the killer or could it be killers (Who's to say it is just one person), will reveal themselves. 
The choice is yours. I want to find the killer more than any of you.
So the Sheik tries to finger poor Al.. Don't get all Shookup Shakup, you are too wrapped up in your Elvis delusion to even consider it eh??

The Sheik however, still had the most to gain. His eagerness for the thrill of a high stakes bet makes it even more of a cert that he goes to the top of the list.. Come on Sheik do you honestly think it is normal to bet on a man's life? As I said before Rolands stake was not the Casino it was his life.. What are you hiding Sheik? And don't try to leg it. We're watching you.
h felt angry Shake, but I wasn't angry enough to "keel" him if that's what you are insinuating

I eezee only wondering how you can live on such a small peettance a s a backing singer - you thought you were having  a beeger part

i am a betting man  it eeze in my blood - a bet is nuzzing to me - but i eeeze  an 'onerable man of ze desert -I am merely ze new owner - betters luck - i eeze ze second reechest man now
Sheikh Aleg
Are all these accusations a mere smokescreen for your own guilt?

I have no doubt some people will be all to eager to come up with a motive for me to commit the murder. I eagerly await what it is because I can't think of one myself. If Roland knew something about Dwights death I would want to know what it was. 

I have just put some of the facts forward as I see them.

Your welcome to do the same Vi..

I could have kept stum but I have been all out in the open. Lets start hearing from the rest eh?

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