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How did he feel about you marrying his only daughter?

He didn't think I was good enough for his daughter. After all our families have been through together........ after all the help I've given him, he thinks...he thought I wasn't good enough. Can you believe that Chip?  I was good enough when he was taking money off me though wasn't I?
so I guess I'd probably say yes

*seizes the moment*

*gets down on one knee*


Jen...... oh Jen..... my sweet trusting, innocent Jen....... you've no idea how long I've dreamt of this moment (nor have I cos my memory ain't that good)....... you don't have to worry no more...... I'll look after you, give you the best of everything I will, just you wait and see! You'll have a bigger casino than the Shiekh, more bras than Harry, bigger breasts than Harry and Vi put together (I know an excellent surgeon). You'll have it all babe.  

Jen Ewynn...........will ya marry me?

Tommy, a few questions for you.. you say you bankrolled Roland to build this Casino, did he have any money of his own to put into it or did you finance the lot and just put him in as your Front Man? If that is the case why would you do that?

As I'm in a love fuelled good mood....... I'll happily answer your questions Mr Sholmes.

I financed the lot, I'm a generous man me. Especially to those I think of as family. It was all Rolands idea though....the plans for the Sweaty Palms I mean, and they were good plans too, he certainly weren't no "front man"! I may be generous and multiple brain cell challenged...... but I ain't stupid when it comes to business. I expect a good return, and under Rolands management I was gonna get just that with the Sweaty Palms.

And the best return ever is his daughters hand in marriage...... I'm happy with my investment Mr Holmes.
Reference: Tommy Gun
As I'm in a love fuelled good mood....... I'll happily answer your questions Mr Sholmes.

I financed the lot, I'm a generous man me. Especially to those I think of as family. It was all Rolands idea though....the plans for the Sweaty Palms I mean, and they were good plans too, he certainly weren't no "front man"! I may be generous and multiple brain cell challenged...... but I ain't stupid when it comes to business. I expect a good return, and under Rolands management I was gonna get just that with the Sweaty Palms.

 And the best return ever is his daughters hand in marriage...... I'm happy with my investment Mr Holmes.

Well congratulations on your impending nuptials Mr Gunn and thank you for answering my questions. 

so if I understand this correctly  Roland had no money but you had such faith in his abilities you bankrolled the whole operation and put Roland in as Manager. .so are you saying the Casino was in fact yours not Rolands or was it all a loan and the casino was Rolands on paper?

If it was a loan was it repaid and if not how will you get a return now that it has passed onto the Sheik via the bet [meaning Roland died broke in effect unless he had other monies elsewhere].. will your  repayment plan pass on too and how was it set up?  did you have shares or was it a percentage of the profits?

How angry did you feel that Roalnd was happy to take your money yet didn't think you were good enough for his daughter. .Did you really help him out more to keep close to Jen or because you thought it was a really good business proposition?

That's a pretty nice Diamond ring that you gave to Jen. .did you buy it locally or did somebody else source the Diamonds for you, Like Chip ?

Also waiting on Bet's answer to my query whether she felt Roland cheated her in any way, personally or professionally

Sherry do you feel there is unfinished business now that your newly found father has been cut short in his prime, leaving questions unanswered possibly, or had you resolved any issues you may have had with him, or was that what the row was about?   Also did your mother have any issues with him and did Roland pay her any child support as you were growing up?

*has no idea where these questions are going but is hoping everything will all fall into place eventually... or not  *
Willy Cook
Last edited by Willy Cook
*stomps in*

You know what? That Shieeeeeekh Aleeeeeeg needs to employ better cleaners when he finally pulls his finger out and does something around here. There are bits of crap all over the casino floor!

 As Vi seemed otherwise engaged (by the sounds coming from her room it seems she was already hard at work being a scrubber ) I had to pick the rubbish up myself

I did find some interesting bits and pieces though........ a suicide note or two (really must check whether the punters in rooms 254 and 318 bothered to shut the windows after they jumped )......and this.......

Doesn't tell us anything we don't already know of course (thanks to the tendancy of drunks to tell you every god damn boring detail of their pathetic lives ), but it's nice to have a bit of confirmation.....and it makes you think doesn't it?

Roland must have abandoned that wet drip Smelly Skunk and her mother. Maybe she tracked Roland down to get her revenge....... to kill him?

Maybe I need to rename her Sherry Spunk?
Lt Commander Data Duck
One thing I will say is people leave a lot of things lying around that, if I were them, I would rather not have other people see.
Anyway, Sherry was abandoned as a child by her father, somehow she found out his identity, he must not be named on the birth certificate. She has paid a private dick to get the goodies on him while working at the Casino with the help of Jen. Then just as she acquires the proof  the guy dies. She is now ready to produce the evidence that could enable her to inherit some of what was his. She could be the killer, but OMG the terrible truth is revealed, the bet with the Sheik! If she killed him, what irony she has forced the loss of all that could have been hers!! She tossed the note away in anger

This to me sounds like providence.
Harry  You thunked that up all by yourself??? Or do you know more than you are letting on??

How's Scarlett's 'therapy' going Harry? Is she managing to stay away from the tables? Have you managed to get her on her back yet??

Bet, maybe your boyfriend should come see Harry for help with his habit, you caould save a bit of face then...mind you, with a face like that, i'm not sure I'd want to save it at all....
Izzy Gonyett
So Tommy Dumb was going to ask Jen Loonybin to marry him? Roland would have been thrilled I'm sure.
Well ah know for a fact that the deal between Roland and Tommy was purely business and on a person level he couldn't stand Tommy!
He hated the relationship between them and marriage would have been "Over my dead body!!" to quote Roland....
Ensign Muf
Harry  You thunked that up all by yourself??? Or do you know more than you are letting on??

I've been doing a bit of my own detective work.. So far the rest of you are like kinder garden cops

You have to look at it from the killers point of view. So far there is motive for a lot of ya's.

Take Bet.. A homicidal maniac, full of hate and disregard for peoples feelings, Someone hurt her so bad she snapped, tipped over the edge.. You know why? She was pouring what is left of her sorry life into the Casino. It became the only real love of her life. Then guess what. .She finds out about the bet, at first you would think she would want to ensure Roland won but slowly she began to find out what a 2 timing low life he really was, she realised the Casino was never going to be his. It was the Sheik or Tommy. So she figures the easiest to control is the Sheik a camel man who  will be off most of the time spending on more businesses and girls.. Tommy on the other hand is a dangerous business partner.. So she ensures the Sheik wins the only way her anger would allow it. She probably took pleasure in sticking the knife in again and again. Now she just has to make herself indispensable to the Sheik. Not a hard task for the Black death....

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