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Pfft! If you're referring to Art Breykotel, the man[sic] ain't worthy of polishing ma blue suede shoes I'd be happier if you didn't mention him in here!!
but Al honey pie if your so good and Roland had hired you why would he be talking to old Art Braykotel?   I mean he wouldn't need 2 of you now would he?
but Al honey pie if your so good and Roland had hired you why would he be talking to old Art Braykotel? I mean he wouldn't need 2 of you now would he?
Honey, when I perform I am the king (ask Vi)
If Roland was talking to to Art, then he must have been after someone to clean the toilets or something!!
Anyhow Roland can talk to whomever he's nothing to me!!
Ensign Muf
Anyhow Roland can talk to whomever he's nothing to me!!
it is if you offed him because he decided to go with Art instead of you     

let's face it, if he replaced you with Art you'd lose your self styled reputation as being the best Elvis impersonator - so no one would want to be getting a hitchin' in your wedding gaff and you'd be losing a whole lotta money from your gigs at the Sweaty Palms night after night 
*stomps in*

*removes earpiece*


Does he not think I have better things to do then answer his stupid repetitive questions? Stuffing a note under my office door.......... could the sorry excuse for a man not come and ask me himself in person? What? Does he think I bite?

Well for his information.....and every other damn person in a five mile radius who wants me to repeat my answer AGAIN.......


Despite what you may think you know about my boyfriend scamming Roland..... I STILL HATE PEOPLE THAT CHEAT!

So I turned a blind eye to my boyfriends activities....SO WHAT? I have prevented the casino losing millions...MILLIONS.... since it opened and Roland flatly refused to give me a bonus! The cheek of the man. If it wasn't for me this place would be leaking money faster than that damn Daily Sin leaks Harry's sexual deviance. So what if I helped myself to a bit! It was far less than I deserved.

And as for your second question Shrek ....... ME? WORRIED ABOUT BEING FIRED? Yeah right! As if!   I've told you all before.......the "scam" is immaterial, irrelvant! I'm still the best Pit Boss in town. If I lost my job, the Sweaty Palms would start losing money, and Roland would never....NEVER.... have let that happen.

So find yourselves another suspect Shiekh........ this one ain't working out for you.

*replaces earpiece*

OI.......Table 27...... I'm on my way back....... you didn't think you'd got rid of me that easily did you.........sort your tie out.....AND GET A DAMN HAIRCUT.....
Lt Commander Data Duck
I know I am a silhouette but didn't think I was invisible 

anyway I asked some questions in the cocktail bar but only Harry saw them so am posting thee others in here in the hope somebody will see me

Bet, did Roland ever cheat you in personal or work life and if so how? 

Tommy, a few questions for you..  you say you bankrolled Roland  to build this Casino, did he have any money of his own to put into it or did you finance the lot and just put him in as your Front Man?   If that is the case why would you do that?

If not what did Roland do before running this place for you to trust him enough to bankroll such an expensive scheme and were you getting your money back or was the casino having problems?  In fact what were the terms of the finance agreement?

Did you take out any insurance to protect your investment?

Scarlet, so now we know you have gambling debts.  Are these just at the Sweaty Palms or do you have debts elsewhere too?

cheers folks
Willy Cook
ha ha ha ha ha pmsl "Back up Vocals from Al Shukup"  I knew you weren't telling the truth uh huh   not fit to wipe my blue suede shoes, he couldn't fill a toilet eh?  

that's fair made  my day that has *toddles off to eat a lettuce leaf*   I am watching  my figure you know as I'm sure many of the men out there are doing as well 
ha ha ha ha ha pmsl "Back up Vocals from Al Shukup"  I knew you weren't telling the truth uh huh   not fit to wipe my blue suede shoes, he couldn't fill a toilet eh?  
*coughs on comfort burger*

Roland had no right to do this to ME!!!
Elvis..erm ME playing second fourth fiddle to to that washed up crooner is like asking an arabian stallion to be a panto horses understudy!!!!!
Ensign Muf

Oh, poor Al. He may be a fourth rate Elvis but he has a top rate pelvis....

Sooooo, Al is not the hot act he would have us believe and Candi is NOT the innocent she first claimed to be.
Bet has a violent streak, not surprising really, someone that controlling has to have a way of letting off steam...maybe I should introduce her to my 'special chair'.
And as for the row between Sherry and her 'daddy' well, that could have been about anything, couldn't it? It would be interesting to know WHEN this row took place exactly.
And I knew Tommy had a thing about Jen, despite all the times he brushed off my comments. But then again, was it Jen, the money or the hotel itself that appealed to him more????

Izzy Gonyett

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