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So why couldn't you rest in your own place then, Candi? Do you even have anywhere to live???
I guess I could go to some mouldy old motel room but why would I when I can get drinks on tap at your place    besides these nice policemen  told me I have to stay here as I have no permanent abode.

Oooo look handcuffs 
The lack of available totty today has given me ample time to ponder the events of the last few days and also to have a good snoop around. I now have a headache, my brain has never worked so hard. Anyway, I'll ask my questions now and then go back to my suite for some titivation before tonights shift begins. Here goes, there a quite a few!!

TOMMY: Who was the previous owner of the hotel before Roland? What happened to them? Did Roland win the hotel as part of a bet? Have you ever had to 'dispose' of anyone for Roland?

BET: What exactly were you doing before taking a job here? How did you make Roland trust you so much? Do you have a key to Harrys prop cupboard? Who is this boyfriend of yours, do we know him? How do you feel about helping him cheat given your hatred of cheaters?

HARRY: The bra you found, are you sure it's Candis and not one of yours?

AL: How did you manage to persuade Roland to link your chapel to the casino? Why the $10 chip deal with every wedding? What's in it for you?

JEN: How much of the day to day running of this place were you really involved in? You don't seem to know much about what your Daddy was up to, do you? What are you on the anxiety meds for? (don't say anixiety....I want to know what you are so anxious about.)

SCARLETT: How do you feel about this new note claiming that Roland had his eye on Candi? Did you ever feel you might be too old for him?

SHEIKH: Have you ever run a hotel/casino before? How long ago did you take out this wager with Roland?

SHERRY: Where the heck are you?

All done.....I'm off for a bath.
Izzy Gonyett
So Bet, hater of cheaters has a cheating boyfriend who scammed the casino and Roland wanted the money back. All we need to know now if it was Bet (accessory in crime to a CHEAT who killed Roland, or her mystery CHEATING boyfriend.

*drums fingers on the table* I doubt we'll see her around here again somehow since it looks like she either dealt the ace of spades to Roly herself, or she knows who did 
OMG look what I just found tucked down the side of one of the seats in Ms Brator's place

Christ, you must really be short of cash if you've stooped to searching down the side of sofas.

And if you think your little "find" is gonna have me snivelling like Harry when he runs out of vodka, you've got another think coming

It's no big deal...... as you can see from his note, Roland knew about it, and it was being sorted. As for it being a say scam, I say money for services rendered. I've saved that casino milllions.

Anyway, it's immaterial, my bloke was paying him soon as the stupid lump could get a refund on that damn Ferrari he blew it all on. Men ....they're all the same, want want want, take take take, and make it as quick as you damn well can! 

So you wipe that gloating look off your face Miss Randi Tussle...... I DIDN'T KILL ROLAND...... why would I? The money was being paid back, I was keeping my job, no harm done.

And speaking of randy...... what happened when Roland chatted you up 'eh? Did he come and watch you dance in the back room? Did ANYONE  watch you dance in the back room? Come on Miss Tassleknickers....... what do you get up to in that back room, and more importantly who do you get up to it with?
Lt Commander Data Duck
Just because Roland knew about it, doesn't mean that you or blind-boy were paying him back at all, we only have your word for it don't we? And let's face it, your word is worth less and less now. All this bluster about hating cheats and looking after the Casino and Roland means sweet diddley squat now we know about the scam you and your 'boyfriend' have pulled off.
Izzy Gonyett
So Bet, hater of cheaters has a cheating boyfriend who scammed the casino and Roland wanted the money back. All we need to know now if it was Bet (accessory in crime to a CHEAT who killed Roland, or her mystery CHEATING boyfriend.

And you can shut your diamond smuggling trap Drip.

I DO hate cheaters......cheaters who think they can get something for nothing, cheaters that think they are OWED something for nothing....... cheaters who cheat just cos they can..... but I save my special, top of the range, once in a life time, premium rate hatred for those who cheat every god damn second of their pathetic morally corrupt lives but deny they even do it!

That's you Chip in case you were wondering.
Lt Commander Data Duck
Chip, honey, do you have any idea who Bet's elusive boyfriend might be? I mean you play the tables alot, have you seen anything odd, has Bet been lingering around anyone in particular?
I have no idea, it could be anyone. She drapes herself round the tables like a vulture waiting for a kill i.e. hoping someone cheats so she can kick off. Ain't it hilarious that she has this holier than thou 'no cheating' crap when all along her boyfriends cheats the casino she's supposed to protect? You couldn't make it up 

how long have you been smuggling the diamonds Chip and just how much do you make from it?
On and mostly off for a year or two. I don't do it through necessity (I don't need the money) it's just a service I provide for friends. And yes I make more money through poker.

So, Bet the hypocrite in Black is now in a position where she daren't accuse anyone of cheating again. At least that gets the old bat off my back for a while. 

Has anyone seen the hump-botherer? I need to ask him a few questions.
Just because Roland knew about it, doesn't mean that you or blind-boy were paying him back at all, we only have your word for it don't we?

They why don't you get off your rapidly expanding backside Brator and for once in your sorry life go and do some REAL investigating and check it out!

Here you go...

*gives Vi the 'Feel Up a Ferrari' dealership business card*

And while you're there...... ask them if they can set you up with a new rear bumper, yours is dragging along the ground
Lt Commander Data Duck

They why don't you get off your rapidly expanding backside Brator and for once in your sorry life go and do some REAL investigating and check it out!

But the Ferrari people won't be able to prove that you were planning to pay Roland back, only that you wanted to return the car. I mean, you might have been planning to get the money back and do a flit, after all, you are very vague about how you ended up here and why.

Izzy Gonyett
BET: What exactly were you doing before taking a job here? How did you make Roland trust you so much? Do you have a key to Harrys prop cupboard? Who is this boyfriend of yours, do we know him? How do you feel about helping him cheat given your hatred of cheaters?

Christ, five days on the job and she's still at the bumbling idiot level of indepth questioning. 

I've worked in Vegas all my life (I've told you that before), and I was doing this and that, nothing of any consequence, just working my way up the Vegas career ladder (told you that before too).

Roland trusts those he knows are GOOD at their job....shame most people round here never got to find that out for themselves.

I have keys to many cupboards, a whole bunch of them. I couldn't tell you which was which to be honest. It's not as if I have much reason to go sniffing about in prop cupboards, especially THAT one! You sniff too hard in there and you're going to be drunk for days!

My private life is just that......PRIVATE! I don't go around asking you about your boyfriends...... mainly because there isn't enough hours in the day to cover it, but that's beside the point. My bloke isn't a suspect, so stay away from him Vi!

As for how I feel........ what the hell IS this? The Oprah bleeding Winfrey show?
Lt Commander Data Duck

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