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Word on the street is you're looking to open up your own club. But I ain't heard you knocking on my door asking for a finance deal of your hows you gonna make enough money to set yourself up 'eh babe?
well sweet cakes a girl's gotta use what nature and her Fairy God Mother gave her 

well truth be known, this is a place that has quite a few married men and married men like a bit of sugar Candi.   Let's just say I'm sure they wouldn't want their little wife to know what they get up to now would they   so I'm sure they'll compensate me nicely not to let on 
*stomps in*

So....what's this I hear about Shiekh Andlosewife and Chip Leadforahead?

Did Roland really put Sweaty Palms down on a bet? WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING??

And Drip? A diamond smuggler? So much for the "I'm honest me guv....honest" act........ if he can smuggle, he can cheat! There's not a lot of difference between hiding a card or two up your sleeve and hiding a carat or two up your jacksey!!
Lt Commander Data Duck
And Drip? A diamond smuggler? So much for the "I'm honest me guv....honest" act........ if he can smuggle, he can cheat! There's not a lot of difference between hiding a card or two up your sleeve and hiding a carat or two up your jacksey!!
Well if it ain't Bleating Betty jumping to all kinds of conclusions again. Yes, I've been known to move a few stones around but not very often and I'm certainly not a part of any syndicate. It's just something I do occasionally if my poker route takes me in that direction. There has never been any proof in the allegations I cheat at poker because you can't catch someone cheating who does not cheat.

You're welcome to cast your beady eyes over my shoulder when I'm playing if you want to make your damn fool self look even more foolish.

But hey what's this about Cameltugger standing to win the casino of old Roland bites the dust? There's your man right there I reckon. Close the case now and I'll be on my way.
But hey what's this about Cameltugger standing to win the casino of old Roland bites the dust? There's your man right there I reckon. Close the case now and I'll be on my way.

Not so fast Cheating Chip...... the letter claims Roland was concerned you were a little keen to see him depart this world...... so he knew you were a cheating slug diamond smuggler then? How did he know? Did you have some sort of "arrangement" with him?
Lt Commander Data Duck
the letter claims Roland was concerned you were a little keen to see him depart this world...... so he knew you were a cheating slug diamond smuggler then? How did he know? Did you have some sort of "arrangement" with him?

Well you see my little sugar-coated piranha fish I had an arrangement where I offloaded my little deliveries on Rollers and he sold them to his richest clients. It was a very tasty little earner for both of us. I can see the confusion on your anything-but-cute little face, yes dear, it does mean I had absolutely nothing to gain by offing the sadly departed and in fact everything to lose. 

Dontcha hate it when a plan backfires Bettykins? 
Dontcha hate it when a plan backfires Bettykins?

Well Chippypoos..... that rather assumes I believe a single word of what dribbles out of that unfortunately asymmetrical mouth of yours. Who's to say Roland was happy with the arrangement? Maybe you smuggled a dud or two........rather like the two hands of poker you played last night?

And by richest clients do you mean the Sheikh? He must have a huge diamond habit to feed, what with all those gold-digging wives of his?
Lt Commander Data Duck

 oh it eeeeez a bad time for me .....I'm not myself ........I think I have a virus

You must forgive me if I do not stay for the long time, I need some lemsip

Tommy you asked what it is like being the third richest man in the world   --- eet is great but I would be so much richer if i didn't keep losing at the roulette tables .... although I think after tonight I may be in the 2nd place!

Miss Marple
I think after tonight I may be in the 2nd place!

*grabs the Sheikh by his Armani clothed armpits and shoves him against the wall*


*knocks the Gucci glasses of his snivelling nose*


*knees him in his camel toe*

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