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Reference: Cologne
God, not easey to penetrrate you lot, but, please get rid of those suspisious newbies,
Cologne .....there's a very interesting Gossip Column in Las Vegas ....that will give a fascinating viewpoint  Iva Bit of Crack really gets to the point and isn't afraid to dish the dirt    I'm sure she'd be glad to see the readership of The Daily Sin! increase - maybe even go find answers to Readers Questions
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Well hey there Tommy, you are a man of mystery, aren't you? Poor Roland, eh? Have you been to see Jen yet? I'm sure you're just the person she needs right now, being so close and all that. Have you any idea who these people are that were meant to be protecting Roland? Why didn't he come to you? I'm sure you must know plenty of people who could have helped him out.
Izzy Gonyett

Missed you in the Casino tonight, you must be real busy with that accountant to miss two nights on a row on the tables. I have a question or two for you...... I've been thinking of the help you gave Roland in opening this place, was it purely financial or did you help build this place too? You seem to have your fingers in a lot of pies, or should that be sausage rolls... Ginster? Do you or your family own a building firm? Did you build this place?

Oh and one last question........How long have you know Roland? Did you meet him when you financed this place just over a year ago? Or do you go waaay back like Harry Hedidit?

Thanks for you time Tommy Boy, Hope to see you losing on the tables real soon,

Bet Black.

And where's that Bitch Black?  Who the hell does she think she is shoving this crap through my door? Tommy Gunn don't answer to no-one ......specially some mouthy, ten a penny pit chick, who don't know the meaning of the word loyalty!

*looks around the casino hoping to god she didn't hear him*  

*mutters* Scary god damn bitch.

*casually slips a note under Bet's office door when no one is looking*

Dear Miss Black,

Thank you for your kind letter. I appreciated having something to read as I lounged around in my hotel suite waiting for the chaos to die down a tad. To answer your incredibly intelligent and well thought out questions.... I helped Roland in a financial capacity only. I wouldn't exactly say my family are builders, but we do a lot of work with concrete. 

I've know Roland my whole life, he and my Father were always having top secret meetings in draughty warehouses. Roland and Jen are like family! I'd do anything for them!
(Including putting up with you, ya po-faced, two-faced pit slaaaag)

Hope to see you and your beautiful vulture eyes around the tables soon.

Kind regards,

Tommy G.

I hope to god I've scribbled that sentence out properly!

*crosses self and hot foots it back to the tables*
Well hey there Tommy, you are a man of mystery, aren't you? Poor Roland, eh? Have you been to see Jen yet? I'm sure you're just the person she needs right now, being so close and all that.

Well hello there Red.

I'm no man of mystery.....straight up and down is Tommy G. What you see is what you get. Course it depends what you see as to what you get.

So better keep 'em peeled lady..'eh? .

Where is Jenny? How's she doing? Is she coping? Oh god I bet she's devastated poor......poor Jen. Whoever did this to Roland......they're gonna pay bigtime.
Have you any idea who these people are that were meant to be protecting Roland? Why didn't he come to you? I'm sure you must know plenty of people who could have helped him out.

I dunno what you're talking about Red?

*spots the letter on the bar*

Whaaa..........? What's this?

That damn Shiekh was betting on Rolands life?????? On his wife??????? ON THE CASINO???????


I helped Roland in a financial capacity only. I wouldn't exactly say my family are builders, but we do a lot of work with concrete.  I've know Roland my whole life, he and my Father were always having top secret meetings in draughty warehouses. Roland and Jen are like family! I'd do anything for them!
Good evening Mr Gunn 

*waves  with tassles swishing* 

Sooooo you've known Roland and the family a long time.  Would I be right in thinking you financed Roland to build the Sweaty Palms????? So where did a downtown boy like you get the money to help him build it??????? 

That bet that Roland supposedly made .. It stinks, worse that Camel sweat.. You can take this from 2 angles (Vi if your listening) If the bet is on the level The sheik has won and the Casino passes to him, as it seems Roland died before Midnight. Now that strikes me as a leeeeeettle to convenient.. Perhaps Camel man fiddle the odds in his favour put The sheik to the top of the who did it list I say.

Only other angle worth it's salt is all bets are off,, Not you Bet..

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