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Ooh, thank-you Hoochie.

Guess what I am drinking? Some champers which I saved from Sept. - only about a third of the way through the bottle - can't find anything to cork it (I popped it about 9:30pm, looked in the drawer for my Titanic bottle stopper thingy and it wasn't there!) so I will have to soldier on!

I shall raise my glass to all of you!

Baby Bunny
You know what this says about all of us, dontcha?

We are all *cough* too old for the nightmare that is going out on New Year's Eve!

We have learned - through experience - that queuing 5 deep at a bar is a mug's game!

I mean, can you imagine having to wait more than 30 seconds (that's the time it takes for the round trip from the sofa to the fridge) for a refill???

What a sensible lot we are!!!

Go us!
Baby Bunny

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