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I have clicked on the star thingy - that ups it!

Ah Dame, the pride before the fall, classic bus-newbie behavior. You will learn humility my child (that would be a metaphorical child - I have seen the photos! ).

And when (not if) you fall from the mighty pedestal on which you have set yourself atop we will all be there to trample you asunder.

Sprout, not long to go now before you are consigned to the steaming pot!

Baby Bunny
I think I edited my reply to grannyg instead of adding a new post, so just in case she missed it I shall post it again - don't want to be encouraging newcomers.

Look what happened last time we encouraged "strangers".

Sooooooooo grannyg said:

Ican only manage  the odd night sprout  but never in the morning but I'll have a go
....and I replied:

Can't you manage none.... at all?
Baby Bunny

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