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Reference: Christmas Eve~lyn
I'm yet to win
Morning Eve,

Yet to win, eh? You must be getting desperate by now, y'know, willing to do anything.

Tell you what, you may not know this but I don't like getting my hands dirty , sooooooo, what would you say to a spot of collaboration?

You eliminate* Pengy, Sprout, RZB, Dame, Scotty and that Rexmas "does my bum look big in this pudding?" Pud thingy  (they are the major players, poor Hoochie and the other no-hopers don't count cos they're more rubbish than wot I am) and I'll step aside next time and let you on.... whadya say?

*Terminate - by any mean possible...

Right, I must get back to work.

Have a good day y'all!
Baby Bunny

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