I know!
Wha hoppen?
Party bus!!!
Hi, you guys!
I'm good, thanks, Sweet!
Still trying to find things at home, but I'm here at my desk, and I have my clothes on!
Indeed. I start working from home next week, so maybe it doesn't matter at that point, but for now, I'm sure these people appreciate it!
It's 2:08pm, Sweet, so I'm still at the office. Talk about disorienting, though: we are having the carpets replaced tomorrow, so we haven't been able to move into that part of the house, yet. We are in the guest room. I'm afraid the move to our real room will bring on fresh trauma for the kitties....
Yes, I can wear my pajamas (except for video meetings...)
They are settling in OK. Nothing will keep Kenji from eating (just like me!), but my little head-case of a girl cat is being all dramatic. Finally got her to eat a complete meal this morning.
Cats are funny critters, aren't they?
Right back atcha, Sweet.