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Originally Posted by frodo:

I'm watching the first series at the moment all


trying to fathom out why Saga Is so unfeeling cos I forgot

I don't think it's ever been explicitly stated, but it's generally taken as read that she's on the autistic spectrum (Aspergers). In the very first episode (series 1), one of her colleagues described her as "special" (although it was translated into English as "different").

Eugene's Lair

Hello all 

episodes 5 and 6 to-night ,really looking forward to It ,a 10 hour marathon of a crime with little sub -plots ..has kept me glued ,in my mind I'm thinking 'who dunnit ,and I suppose there are clues .I'm missing them   as some people tape and watch the series in a block ,Its unfair to comment ,but looking forward to to-night  


Hi all 


just watched episodes 5 and 6 ..Saga fascinates me more and more ,found myself with tears in my eyes this morning ..Saturday Is sort of an indulgement 

night ,so Sunday morning I can concentrate 


Made the mistake of reading Wiki and the plot was on there ..please do not go there ,silly me ,still many loose ends for me ,happy viewing all

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Bridge Day!
ION I see that Sofie GrÃĪbÃļl is going to star in a British produced Iceland based crime thriller mit Chris Eccleston and Michael Gambon. They are nicknaming it as "broadchurch in the arctic!"  I'm not letting that put me off though!

That sounds rather "back-to-front" to me. The thing about "Broadchurch" was that it was the most successful attempt at learning the lessons of why series like "The Killing" were popular and do a British version of Nordic Noir...

Eugene's Lair

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