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Ah I see now thanks folks for explaining.
It's a pity it has happened this week when most of want all the focus to be on getting Govan out.
But this sort of incident always happens. In every series people have nominated someone considered to be their "friend". It's a competition and they have to eliminate. They all turn on each other eventually.
Pity this should happen tonight though.
Still surely Govan is so unpopular this won't delay his departure.
But this sort of incident always happens. In every series people have nominated someone considered to be their "friend". It's a competition and they have to eliminate. They all turn on each other eventually
Exactly Brisket..... I can't understand why  some of them get so upset about it..... surely they must have enough intelligence to work that out before they go in..... but then on the other hand
Exactly Brisket..... I can't understand why  some of them get so upset about it..... surely they must have enough intelligence to work that out before they go in..... but then on the other hand
Yay.. you said it for me Baz!

It always shocks me....  they go in there knowing this is the basis of the whole thing.  I can only assume they go in so conceited they think it won't be them that is nominated for eviction!

Same as them all getting the hump when people have to swap themselves for someone else as a result of the save task...  its all encouraging shouts of go on, do it, its not your fault... til they actually do it  and then everyone is all outraged!
The groups weren't nearly as defined as they are now and I didn't think that Ben and Sunshine had a particular friendship going on. I doubt he would nominate her now that he has got to know her better.
I agree Cologne.....  I think JJ  blew it up out of all proportion... and now Govan is stirring it up even more... telling Mario not to get in to trouble because of Ben
i had a feeling this would come back and bite  him in the bum.
he can't go around taking the moral high ground about  his friends and demanding they protect  him and 'stick up for him' when's he's been found out about nominating one of them.

if they've got any sense they'd steer  well clear, if he can do it once , he can do it again and to one of them.
It's a bit rum to hear JJ talking about being loyal to friends. Because he seems to be here, there and everywhere. I'm not clear which of these people he considers friends, but sooner or later he will be faced with a voting conflict and dilemma. Mmm not so easy is it JJ?
Agreed he's such a hypocrite, the other night when he was going on how to important it was to clear the air, if you have an argument and not carry things on...I was like, lets talk about the shocking way you treated Rachel!
Senora Reyes
I'm not clear which of these people he considers friends,
I don't think he's made his mind up either yet ........but - after the ticking off he got the other day for talking to Govan I bet he's mighty confused to discover that Ben turned on one of his 'own'.

Ben is really a prize prat - he's pretty quick to come out with all this loyalty/friends/buddy crap but is also quick to drop one of them in it. No excuses ........there were plenty of others he could have nominated.
Soozy Woo
Of course this has taken the heat off Govan and Shabby who lost them their shopping budget for talking in code. Shabby twisted the whole situation around and made Ben nominating Sunshine the focus. No-one has pulled her or Govan up on what THEY did.
Yes.... I was so excited when they got outed and the focus was on them losing the budget...I thought it was going to be a real comeuppance moment......and then it all went pear shaped
Reference: Rawky
I hope whenever Ben's evicted they do a tally chart of how many times he's said 'Sorry
don't you mean the amount of times he has said Sorry .. .followed by a huge BUT ..

the but negates the sorry every time

my take on it was that yes they do have to nominate but in the early weeks when there are so many HM's  nominating a friend, who you spent hours sharing a bed with all your other friends, is perhaps a tad off when there were 7 others to pick form 

that was the point JJ was trying to make without being too obvious that he was talking noms and getting the house punished further. .but Ben wasn't getting his point at all.. .Jj had believed that Ben was good friends with Sunshine by nom time, based on Bens  behaviour with her leading up to them.. .

Ben then defended his actions by saying well I didn't nominate her this week. .thereby losing the house their hot water cos BB called him in to tell him .. Mario wouldn't let him tell the house it was his fault they lost the water too tho..

think he was upset he got caught out that someone he was 'friends' with[ for noms purposes as he had being canvassing the room to ensure he didn't get any] found out he wasn't as friendly as he had really made out [at that time and possibly still now] so he was being a snake in the grass and got caught ..again
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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