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I have zero respect for organised religion as it's mostly a means of suppression anyway. The Catholic church do not advocate use of condoms even in this age of AIDs, they do not support birth control of any type,  even amongst the world's poor where many children are born into unacceptable poverty and disease. Religion is at the root of most of the  world's problems, I know for an individual a bit of faith can help in life and I don't have a problem with that on an individual to individual basis, I can understand that, but where doctrine and shame come into it I think it's abhorrent. It's not the pope's fault he was an old geezer who was indoctrinated into that life but he BELIEVES some mental stuff that clearly isn't true. Like original sin and virgin births for starters. Jeezus!
Great post Jo, I agree. I do respect that people have their faith, but what irks the crap outta me is that we have paid 10 million pounds for this visit! We can't provide people with cancer the drugs they need, but we can justify this? 
I'm not trying to judge the merits of the Pope's visit one way or the other as I am not a Catholic. But the Pope, besides being the head of the Roman Catholic church, is also the head of state of the Vatican City. The Vatican City is a city state in the same way as Monaco and Singapore. As such he is entitled to make a State visit which is what this is, in the same way as any head of state from any country. It is similar to the Queen making a state visit to another country. It is the normal practice for the treasury of the country being visited to incur the cost, so the fact that we are carrying the cost is normal practice around the world. Whether the magnitude of the cost is reasonable is of course a different matter as the majority of people in this country have no interest in the Roman Catholic Church.

I am a member of the Church of England, and personally I think that this Pope's announcments on women priests have harmed relationships between C of E and the Roman Catholic Church (not the members, but the leaders). And his, as with his predeceesors, views on contraception are just wrong and seriously harmful. Only those with a policy of lifelong celibacy could have such views.And I could go on.

So out of courtesy I accept the Pope coming here on a state visit, but I won't be watching any of it outside what they show on the news.
El Loro
he is entitled to make a State visit which is what this is, in the same way as any head of state from any country
My point would be that he isn't entitled as such, that any State visit is by invitation and it is beyond me why he was invited , not just because of the cost, but to apparently celebrate and condone his bigoted views. This is the best that the Archbishop of Westminster could come up with: â€œAs a society we are entering into a period – and perhaps a prolonged period – that is going to be difficult and in times of difficulty we need all the inner resources that we can muster and the resource of religious faith is a crucially important one for giving society stability and generosity, especially in times of financial constraint."
Have to say though, that the irony of him beatifying a homosexual does amuse me
I sent an email to No 10 Downing street today potesting at the money being spentwhen it is sorely needed elsewhere in the UK. guess what? I got a message saying there ahad been an error, please try later! I am sooo angry, I cannot even protest. that money could perform "miricles" in the NHS or decent housing for some, or some decent food even. I am simply disgusted.
I am very worried about Jo's raspberries.  I hope the Pope doesn't sneak onto her allotment and eat them all.  Perhaps it might be worth watching the TV to look out for tell tale signs of raspberry stains on his robes?  Or perhaps someone should make sure that he hasn't got a few stolen gooseberries tucked away under his hat? 
I'm worried about my berries but I'm also worried about all the old folks who are going to see the pope. Apparently he's not 'on' til 6pm but they have to be there for 3pm in the pissing rain they have been told not to bring umbrella's that it's not 'a picnic' and there are no seats so they have to stand in the rain for at least 3 hours and as if that's not bad enough they have to watch Michelle MCManus sing!

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