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cannot believe the opinions here. Is there no respect for any religion ?
I have respect for a person's faith. I have NO respect for organised religion whatsoever. I have even less respect for an antiquated faith that worships an old man who with many of his predecessors' have opressed women, children and caused all sorts of problems in their name.

The silly people who go to him wanting a blessing, thinking that somehow they will be exhaulted are  deluded and wasting their money.
The Catholic Church has a lot to answer for...
Reference: PC
but I don't go around saying that he's threatening the future of the planet. That's what he's said about LGBT people. There are opinions and then there is venturing perilouly close to hate speech imo
It's the opinions of his cat that worry me PC. Bet he brings it with him and it takes a dump on Jononos hearty beets

every one is entilteled to religous views so long as they don't impinge or harm others. the catholic church is, imo, a disgrace and should give up all their riches and do penance for ever more.
Further to that I am enraged that the tax payer is expected to foot the bill for him coming to the UK when none of us were asked. did we have a vote on this? a referendum? no we did not. we have a recession of mamouth proportions, we have housing shortages, we have poverty we have schools needing repairs, it goes on and on. imagine what that money could be spent on, the NHS for a start, there is more chance of miricles from it than the vatican, thats for sure.
I recoil from all forms of organised religion. I'm an aetheist but I would not decry someone their faith - not everyone is mature or secure enough to accept this life is it and need to cling to hope that there is something after.  THAT hurts no-one. 

I am incensed that my money is being used to fund this man's visit. And even more angry that it's disrupting anyones allotment access. This simply is not British. He'll be disrupting football fixtures next....
I have zero respect for organised religion as it's mostly a means of suppression anyway. The Catholic church do not advocate use of condoms even in this age of AIDs, they do not support birth control of any type,  even amongst the world's poor where many children are born into unacceptable poverty and disease. Religion is at the root of most of the  world's problems, I know for an individual a bit of faith can help in life and I don't have a problem with that on an individual to individual basis, I can understand that, but where doctrine and shame come into it I think it's abhorrent. It's not the pope's fault he was an old geezer who was indoctrinated into that life but he BELIEVES some mental stuff that clearly isn't true. Like original sin and virgin births for starters. Jeezus!

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