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This is rather frustrating – does information not leak out anymore?


The cloak and dagger approach from BB stinks of manipulation which allows them to change the course of the show on a whim – as opposed to letting it play out as the HM’s have decided it should via in-house decisions. Grrr!


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the only source I know of advanced info is Tellymix - todays update is as follows


 Big twist tonight... will it involve the prize money?

Big Brother 2013 eye logo new

Big Brother bosses have confirmed another big twist will take place in tonight’s show.


Following the latest round of Big Brother nomination resultsCharlie TraversDexter KohJack and Joeand Sam Evans were all put up for the axe.

It was the last round of nominations and the second time that housemates had to nominate live and face to face.


However, lines have still yet to open for viewers to evict one of the four.


Big Brother announced yesterday that a twist was in store, but did not go into detail, which has led to plenty of speculation.


With just days to go until the final, it’s possible that the new twist will involve the prize money, and will almost certainly involve the nominated housemates in some way.


Previous prize money twists have included seeing half of the £100,000 pot being given away last series, in return for one housemate having to immediately forfeit their place in the house.


Big Brother has also been known to give out other cash prizes too, with two housemates sharing £50,000 back in 2008 after a game of prisoner’s dilemma.


What do you think the twist will be? Should some of the prize money be given away?


Big Brother airs tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.


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I was thinking they may swap those up for Sophie and Gina but I've just remember they have already done this the week Dan left so it's got to be the money, I wish they wouldn't mess with it as you go in there thinking your playing for £100,000


If it's those up that can take the money and leave I think the twins will try and grab it but then again it's not really fair if it's those that are up as the public want the chance to evict them not reward them


BB have over-egged the pudding IMO and a relatively alright series is now faltering at the key time.


Just looked on DS at the rating for last night and only 1.35m watched – Monday night garnered 1.5m and the overall series average is 1.8m.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I was thinking they may swap those up for Sophie and Gina but I've just remember they have already done this the week Dan left so it's got to be the money, I wish they wouldn't mess with it as you go in there thinking your playing for £100,000


If it's those up that can take the money and leave I think the twins will try and grab it but then again it's not really fair if it's those that are up as the public want the chance to evict them not reward them


I dont think it is fair to mess with the money but both Ch4 and Ch5 have done so ........  shame we didnt get to evict Connor instead of letting him leave with half the money last year  

the year before half the money got split up into small chunks but they didnt leave so tonights twist could be different once again 


they are scripting as I type I expect 


For phone lines not to be open it surely means more than someone simply getting their mucky little paws on the dosh tonight? Something meatier is afoot… and I want to know what it is!


Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

For phone lines not to be open it surely means more than someone simply getting their mucky little paws on the dosh tonight? Something meatier is afoot… and I want to know what it is!




about 9.45pm and we will know 


It says on the CH5 site that we will find out a big secret that will shake the house till the end of the series and also a big fat lie. Some HMs May be happy some sad, it may effect the prize fund it may not 


From Ch5


Day 63: The Biggest Twist Yet


1 hour ago

Housemates may currently have their hands full as they wrestle with the all-action Rescue Squad task for this week's shopping budget. But they may need to brace themselves – and you might need to too.

We've heard secrets this series and we've also been told some lies - but we're about to see the biggest secret so far unveiled and one heck of a porker uncovered at the same time!

We'll let you in on the basics. A big twist is coming later today. This one will dramatically change the outcome of the entire series. It may well affect the prize fund. It may also make some of the housemates very happy and it might also make others very sad. Whatever happens, it will certainly change the dynamic in the House from today, right up until the final.

We'd love to tell you more, but we can't give away all our secrets too early. We'll have all the action exclusively on the website, so keep tabs on the site, check Facebook and keep checking Twitter to keep up to speed with what's undoubtedly going to be this series' biggest twist so far! 



Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Pengy:

do you know I'm so over this series of BB I'm passed caring what the twist is 

I'm not getting my hopes up, Pengy;  whatever the twist is, it'll no doubt p*$$ me off  


She looks better with darker hair 


There twists have been crap so far so I'm not holding my breath, they have put the hair straighteners on the HMs are wondering if there's an eviction, so it's looking like a take the money and leave twist 


All this talk of I just want to make it till the end will fall to the way side when their all trying to grab the cash  I still think it will be the twins 


The Twist will involved BB's latest attempts to give Sam something...they tried to give him a free pass to the final (that didn't work) and now they'll want to give him half the prize fund....I had no idea sleeping for 8 weeks could be so rewarding.


6:35pm: Uh ohhh! Crowd noise is being piped into the House! The HMs are suspicious and worried.


6.52pm: The housemates are lining up in the bedroom ready for tonight's twist.



6.56pm: The four nominated housemates are standing behind podiums in the living room..



Day 63: The Big Pay Off

3 mins ago

The big twist is upon us!

Our four nominated housemates have been told that they're about to face a very, very important dilemma.

Big Brother is prepared to pay off our remaining HMs in cold, hard cash to leave the show tonight. The question is, what's the lowest amount of money they'll be willing to take in order to leave the process?

One by one, in a random order chosen by the housemates, the four evictees will come to the small task room. Inside they'll be faced with a dramatically lit wall of figures. The wall will be covered in removable boards, each with a different amount of money written on it - ranging from a quid to £100,000. The four evictees must each choose the lowest amount they'd be prepared to take in order to clear off this very evening.

Housemates are going to have to think about how much money they want to receive, how much they think others will take and, even more than that, how much they want to stay to the final. The lower they go, the more likely they are to win, but the less money they'll leave with and their BB experience will end rather abruptly.

Each of our four nominated housemates will then place their chosen cash-piles inside a briefcase before being gathered in the living area where they'll stand behind a podium. One by one, they'll open their briefcases to reveal the amount of money they've chosen.

How low can you go housemates... and when you said you wanted to make it to the final, exactly how much did you mean it? 



Originally Posted by MrsH:


WHY are they not doing this live later during highlights or even why did they not do an extended highlights 

Forgive my cynicism, but perhaps to fiddle the result so their *target* gets the cash and goes?

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

do you know I'm so over this series of BB I'm passed caring what the twist is 

I'm not getting my hopes up, Pengy;  whatever the twist is, it'll no doubt p*$$ me off  

This pretty much sums up my feelings too.

Originally Posted by MrsH:


WHY are they not doing this live later during highlights or even why did they not do an extended highlights 

I would think it's much easier to sell  the result  to the public if the public haven't actually seen the process.It will be highly rigged whatever the outcome...

Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by MrsH:


WHY are they not doing this live later during highlights or even why did they not do an extended highlights 

Forgive my cynicism, but perhaps to fiddle the result so their *target* gets the cash and goes?


thank you I agree   it does make you cynical when something like this is done under cover 


Dexter will proclaim he wants the least money I'll bet... he's already said that he's not in it for the money. He knows he's been kept in all the times he's been nominated for eviction. He must reckon he could win it. 


Result? Dexter leaves today. 


Well it did say this in an earlier article "We've heard secrets this series and we've also been told some lies - but we're about to see the biggest secret so far unveiled and one heck of a porker uncovered at the same time!


So there's a lie somewhere in this scenario

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Well it did say this in an earlier article "We've heard secrets this series and we've also been told some lies - but we're about to see the biggest secret so far unveiled and one heck of a porker uncovered at the same time!


So there's a lie somewhere in this scenario

Sorry Yella... just got to blow about this!  What is a bloody porker ffs?  Does BB mean a 'porky' meaning a lie?! A porker is a pig ffs! Ack! Why do I care?! 


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