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Read about it here.  Just in case some don't know about this I thought it might be useful to post.


38 Degrees and WHICH are working together to try and get a better deal for gas and electricity consumers - the more people sign up the better chance they have of getting better terms.  The reverse auction will be held Wednesday so there's still time to sign up.  There's no obligation, you don't have to accept the deal they're able to negotiate but imo any opportunity to get a fairer deal on power is worth looking at.

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Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Ensign Muf:

Signed up for it 


Me too muffman

Hiya Rexicle


This scheme is proof that the current system[sic] isn't working.

 WHICH are having to do the job that the privatised billing companies are supposed to do. 


Seems to me that a better way would be for us(collectively, not you and I )  to set up a "not for profit" company and deal with the energy companies directly.

Ensign Muf
Originally Posted by Rexi:

I've had an email to say that the best price they got was with the Co-operative. They are going to email in a couple of days to let me know how much we would save. As we are duel-fuel with British Gas, I expect it will be quite substantial


I was dead pleased with mine Rexi...I loved the explanation in the email too 


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