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I haven't looked at your link Erin, but myself and Mr Cinds drove from Newcastle to Aberdeen during the early hours of this morning (arriving in Aberdeen at 7am) and it was horrendous, mainly the bit between Newcastle and the Borders, after that the roads were great until we hit the outskirts of Aberdeen.  From here we would normally take the A68 up to Edinburgh, but decided against it because of the weather, and took the A1.  HUGE mistake, the A1 was disgustingly icy, for about 60 miles we had to crawl at between 10 and 15 mph because there was around 3 inches of compacted ice covering the roads.

Returning, we had to go via Perth, which still 'roadwise' was great, but decided to try the A68 route back, and it was 95% better than the A1.
I was grumbling today cos as much as I'm aware that Heathrow has 400,000 passengers to sort out, planes were in the air again and cos of the weather they changed the flight path and they were taking off just above my head. I have the flu at the moment and I actually went into the garden and stuck my fingers up at a couple of them,  good old English Christmas Spirit in full swing.

I am not moving. I want them to move the airport
Well!!.......................My we weren't able to get my Mum down to Maidstone to spend Christmas with my sister too bad at the weekend - we were philosophical about it - not so bad, She was quite happy to stay at home. She spent Sunday and Monday with me - went home today (just around the corner basically) with the intention of coming back on Christmas Eve.  Burst pipes and the whole bungalow flooded ...........electrics all wiped out etc. etc.

TBH ...........we really don't know where to begin - everything will have to be pulled out and new carpets- bed - the whole lot!

I have my sister in law visiting with the family for two days and have to cope with that. Not quite sure how we're gonna tackle the flooding situation so near Christmas. Thank goodness my mum lives so near and can stay here until sorted!
Soozy Woo
Soozy your poor mum
I KNOW!! She really hasn't taken it all in yet - she thinks the carpets are just a bit wet and will dry out. It's just a bit problematic trying to get things sorted at this time of year!  Added to which I have in laws visiting and husband and son have big work commitments and can't get in there in a hands on way. 

To put it simply's a bit of a b*stard situation!
Soozy Woo
What a shame Soozy glad she has you to stay with until it all gets sorted out for her

I know horrible would it be if she had no family around her? It really is a horrible situation but it would be so much worse if she lived away! This bloody awful weather is seriously pissing me off now. It just keeps getting worse.
Soozy Woo

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