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I have never heard of cashback sites...tell me more...

Mind you, the husband pays so I'm not THAT bothered!

What D-I-D said Croc, for any on line shopping, from groceries to airline tickets, I scan through Quidco to see if they deal with the company I want to use, If so, I then purchase and get a % back. The % back differs from company to company. Even if you do on line supermarket shopping, you can get a % back.
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
My husband has ordered about 4 of the digitally remastered ones that are out today. They are expected to take up to 14 places in the top 20 albums next Sunday.

I'm thinking of getting a couple of albums - With The Beatles for one as I have it on vinyl.
Inherited I may add! I remember playing it when I was a kid (it belonged to my Dad).
There a some singles that I liked that never made it onto any of their albums which is a bit
of a b*mmer. It's ok having them on vinyl but I've slung out anything to play them on.Blush

I bought their Love album which is a remix/remaster - it's ok but I prefer the original recordings.
Originally posted by **Nipple Twister**:
Doesnt mj own the back catalouge for the beatles?

On Frank Zappa's penultimate tour, not only did he have songs about MJ but he also did some Beatle's songs with new lyrics about various crooks and God botherers. Frank wanted to release them officially and needed the permission of the owners. Imagine his surprise when he discovered the evil one owned them.
Only those of us in the know have copies. Nod
Garage Joe
Originally posted by RZB:
I'm not a massive Beatles fan, although I did download My Sweet Lord by GH just the other night.

When they say they have digitally remastered
them, what does that actually mean to the listener.

Digital Remastering is one of the biggest cons in the record industries arsenal.
The songs have audio compression applied to them which basically means the quieter bits are louder than they were on the original recordings. Which means you won't be hearing the songs as they were originally intended to be heard by the guy on the mixing desk.
It is evil. Devil
Originally posted by fookat:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
They are expected to take up to 14 places in the top 20 albums next Sunday.

Shake Head why cant we leave them in the 60s where they belong

They don't belong in the 60s any more than Beethoven belongs in the 19th century or Vivaldi belongs in the 18th century.
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by RZB:
I'm not a massive Beatles fan, although I did download My Sweet Lord by GH just the other night.

When they say they have digitally remastered
them, what does that actually mean to the listener.

Its a cleaner sound....

Just right for those of us who are the wrong side of 60 (i'm 55) Acute hearing loss brought on by too many Who, Groundhogs, and Led Zeppelin concerts played at Volume 11 on poor equipment.

Ah, those Art College Days. Friday nights. Whole Lotta Love on mega-sized speakers at mega volume. No wonder I'm getting deaf.
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
I have these 2 on CD and thats all i need, i have listened to most of their studio albums and some of the songs are pretty crap and nothing special.

I see your point but often albums have medleys, or tracks which segue into each other.
On the blue album don't you miss the excellent Abbey Road side two medley, and instead get the appalling Something, and Octopus's garden?

First time I heard the medley was at a friend's house on a beautiful sunny day. The whole side reminds me of sunny days and that feeling of youth.

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