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I reckon he hasn't a clue about Dickens, and he has no interest in learning anything about him either.   He doesn't want to look like a fool, but he's left it too late, because that's just what he's making himself look like!    Really really wish it could be a double eviction on Friday to get rid of him and Rasputin!
He`s back in his dress with his woollie hat on (costume fail) still mumping and is Rachel.
FGS why don`t they just do the task?
Now they`re in their task looks brilliant and their STILL moaning and now colluding to fail it.

Rachel happily says she`s forgotten her veil (costume fail)
More negativity from JJ than Rachel but bliddy heck..what a pair of downers they are!
Since today's task was announced to the House, John James has been vociferously stating that the task is unfair on him and on a few occasions has threatened quitting the task altogether.

As part of the task, John James and Rachel will both become Miss Havishams - the old woman from the Dickens novel Great Expectations who was spurned on her wedding day and has given up on life. They will take part in an endurance wedding dress sit-in for 24 hours in the task room!

In an expletive filled tirade in the Bedroom, John took off his outfit. He then went to sit in the pool in his swimming shorts.

After a while it seemed that his anger may have abated but this was quickly proven not to be the case, as he again ranted in the Bathroom, this time to Rachel.

He stated outright that there was no chance he was doing the task. Rachel had also earlier exclaimed her dissaproval at what John and herself were expected to do.

However, when Big Brother called John and Rachel to to large task room, the duo did in fact enter to begin the task but they have been debating the possibility of walking out ever since.

Rachel and John are both convinced that they will be evicted on Friday after being nominated this week. It appears their main gripe is spending 24 hours away from the others in what they both believe to be their last couple of days in the House.

 Ha ha: 

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