re : comments
Folk seem to be so dogmatic in their views that it is hard to imagine any forward movement towards any kind of workable resolution
That's true, but although I don't think that this is the correct thread for this discussion the subject of "Asylum" does seem appropriate. Let's do this science policy here.
I think this is down to differing disciplines not using any language translation tools. Even the math formulae tend to differ between disciplines (that's one reason I usually don't post any math).
Presently I'm favouring a bottom-up resolution, whereby we start at with the broadest set of environmental problems[forget money, just do whats right!!] that we all agree on, solve them and move up!! This way, I think it would be easier to spot anyone with 'vested interests' and throw them out to the back of the queue
First show me the bottom. We got lead out of petrol in the UK only to increase its benzene content to more dangerous levels when alcohol has the same effect, but returns even less MPG. Remember "Amoco", the fresh as a daisy petrol (that you had to fill up with more often)? The "vested interest" there was the public that didn't want to pay more to travel the same distance.
Also I think we'll miss out on the more extreme economical Armageddon the the more extreme 'warmists' are gonna put us through on the back of some extremely tenuous models
You know how I feel about GCMs!
One thing is for sure, we have to move beyond this shite!! (cos which ever way you look at it, we have a problem that needs solving on this planet and it is human caused!)
Which problem would that be? Over population? I think we need to crack some of the smaller ones first while keeping it in mind.
TSI (total solar insolation) is mostly understood as the thermal solar insolation at Earth's surface. Another understanding for TSI is the star's (our sun's) variability, or magnitude (but again, magnitude is fixed to the visible wavelengths only).
"Sol" has many variations that are outside of these descriptions and the satellite "sensing" equipment can't observe these variations. The satellite observations are still just "temperature of a black plate observation" (if I read this correctly) as can be shown here; is from the ACRIM site, and the "Common Features" section at 2.1 shows this to be only a temperature analysis of a black plate (why were these satellites launched with such a limited criterion). This is so frustrating for engineers!
How can engineers (such as myself) obtain the "full data" needed to make an accurate analysis of this "scenario" without only continuously quoting the mantra of theory and it's data requirement for resolution?
Best regards, suricat.