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Thinking about this a little more, Nigel's death seems contrived - as if they held a production meeting where the priority was to provide a shock and so they decided to stick a pin in a list of character's names.
I do not accept that Nigel (or David) would go up on a roof in the darkness, in icy, windy weather.
That's scriptwriters - and producers - for you!

In Vanessa Whitburn's regime there has been a move towards shock and melodrama, as opposed to the days of an "everyday story of countryfolk" under Godfrey Basely.
I recall the lovely Nelson Gabriel (played by Jack May) who - after his death - was transformed by the writers into a baddie (which they attempted to justify.)


I heard an interview with Graham Seed (the actor who played Nigel) on the radio this morning and he said that he was told in November that his character was going to be bumped off.  He sounded very upset that he has been written out but was keeping positive and has other work stuff coming up.  Sounded a really nice chap.  Apparently the hierarchy wanted a popular character to be killed off in the 60th anniversary episode.  I can't think why - it would have been a more popular move with the listeners for Helen to have bought it.

Thanks Avalon M
When you've been part of a programme for so many years you don't really expect to be told that you'll be gone in a month. I'm pleased to hear he has work coming up, and that he sounded like a nice chap.
Like you, Avalon, I cannot understand why the bosses wanted to kill somebody off just for the shock tactics. That's what they do in TV soaps, and I don't think it's a good tactic to follow.
Apparently there is a lot of resistance and criticism to this storyline on The Archers Messageboards.
The more I reflect the more I feel they showed bad judgment. I've been listening for years and I cannot believe that neither Nigel nor David would be up on the roof in those conditions.
The producers insult my intelligence.
I am sorry for Graham Seed.


Baz and Brisket - I agree with you.  The majority of Archers' listeners aren't really interested in sensational storylines, (we've got Eastenders for that).  Killing off a popular character just for the sake of making a headline or two just doesn't make sense, especially as it as alienated so many loyal fans.   And as you said, Brisket, nobody in their right mind would have gone up onto the roof of a manor house on a windy, icy night just to get a banner down!

(Kathy gets on my nerves too, Baz)
I am not surprised the message boards etc are humming. Brisket... cos like Avalon says, Archers listeners are not really into the sensational storylines....  It is(or has been) essentially a gentle programme, which although moving with the times and touching on real life scenarios, has resisted the doom and gloom associated with other soaps....
Reference: Baz
...but am having trouble getting my head around Harry's character...... and I hope to goodness they are not going to team Kenton up with Jolene.....
Again I agree Baz.     Harry is almost too good to be true. But I think there is more to him than we know. But if they do flesh out his character I don't they don't go over the top.
They certainly seem to have been dropping a few hints about Kenton and Jolene, and I agree with you about that. It's all a bit too convenient. 
Hello nigelfan.   Welcome to this forum.
I have signed the petition. (In fact I am the only one at the moment.)
Of course they are not going to bring back Nigel. It would be ridiculous if they did.
But I have signed because I want them to know what a daft decision it was to write him out of the programme. So the more flack and hassle they get for removing Nigel, the happier I will feel.
I have not signed to expect a result, I have signed to express disappointment at their bad judgment.

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