I can do BS fake tears too. I'm > < 'cos I'll be in Spain
Of course I shall miss all the fun in this thread though!
I'm watching Dara now. I luvs Dara.
I can do BS fake tears too. I'm > < 'cos I'll be in Spain
Of course I shall miss all the fun in this thread though!
I'm watching Dara now. I luvs Dara.
Is she having a baby?
I can do BS fake tears too. I'm > < 'cos I'll be in Spain
Of course I shall miss all the fun in this thread though!
I'm watching Dara now. I luvs Dara.
Natasha looks loads better without her crash helmet hair
Oh god, Sarah Willingham...
Yes.. i still want to punch her.
I can do BS fake tears too. I'm > < 'cos I'll be in Spain
I'll be in Spain the week after - I plan my holidays much better
Or, it could have just worked out that way!!
I can do BS fake tears too. I'm > < 'cos I'll be in Spain
I'll be in Spain the week after - I plan my holidays much better
Or, it could have just worked out that way!!
I'm sure it was all in the planning, Rexi
It's amazing that Natasha got this far really....
I can do BS fake tears too. I'm > < 'cos I'll be in Spain
I'll be in Spain the week after - I plan my holidays much better
Or, it could have just worked out that way!!
LOL... Hope you both have a great time Cosmo and Rexi.... Bring me back some sunshine please
I'm sure it was all in the planning, Rexi
Have a good time - and don't use up all the sun, I want some for when I get there
LOL... Hope you both have a great time Cosmo and Rexi.... Bring me back some sunshine please
Get out of it woman - we are flying Easyjet - they'll charge me a fortune if I try to bring something back
had she said that in the boardroom she might still be there maybe
LOL... Hope you both have a great time Cosmo and Rexi.... Bring me back some sunshine please
Get out of it woman - we are flying Easyjet - they'll charge me a fortune if I try to bring something back
LOL... Hope you both have a great time Cosmo and Rexi.... Bring me back some sunshine please
Have a good time - and don't use up all the sun, I want some for when I get there
Thanks Baz & Rexi. I'll do a sun dance every day and face Blighty as I do it.
Can't say fairer than that.
Where abouts are you going Rexi?
I'm really sorry to miss the final. Won't be the same watching on my own without the Sugarettes.
I can't believe Natasha did the 'air speech marks' gesture in the boardroom!! She IS the female David Brent.
I think I'm allergic to Susan too....
She makes my teefs itch! But then again, so many of them do that.
Who's the woman panelist?
Where abouts are you going Rexi?
Moraira - it's a bit too 'English' for us, but we are taking the youngest (17) and her friend, and they wanted to be within walking distance of a lively town. I drew the line a Lloret
You're, errrrm, not going to Lloret, are you?
I can't believe Natasha did the 'air speech marks' gesture in the boardroom!! She IS the female David Brent.
Hahaha - I laughed at that too
LOL... Hope you both have a great time Cosmo and Rexi.... Bring me back some sunshine please
Have a good time - and don't use up all the sun, I want some for when I get there
Thanks Baz & Rexi. I'll do a sun dance every day and face Blighty as I do it.
Can't say fairer than that.
Where abouts are you going Rexi?
I'm really sorry to miss the final. Won't be the same watching on my own without the Sugarettes.
Thanks cosmo.
I don't know why .............I know I'm on my own but ..............I like Susan!
You're not on your own, Soozy - I like Susan too.
She doesn't annoy me like she seems to annoy everyone else, lol.
I don't know why .............I know I'm on my own but ..............I like Susan!
You're not on your own, Soozy - I like Susan too.
She doesn't annoy me like she seems to annoy everyone else, lol.
I like Susan too.
Where abouts are you going Rexi?
Moraira - it's a bit too 'English' for us, but we are taking the youngest (17) and her friend, and they wanted to be within walking distance of a lively town. I drew the line a Lloret
You're, errrrm, not going to Lloret, are you?
You're safe. I'm going further west along the coast
One of us is sure to bump into Columbus
Katerina Deffo a Brent-a-like. Perhaps that was her business plan if she got the gig with Lord Al....
I like Susan too
In fact, I am beginning to like her more than I like Jim *gasp*
Where abouts are you going Rexi?
Moraira - it's a bit too 'English' for us, but we are taking the youngest (17) and her friend, and they wanted to be within walking distance of a lively town. I drew the line a Lloret
You're, errrrm, not going to Lloret, are you?
Awwwwwww..... now I am jealous!! It's gorgeous there.... and I love Calpe too
And I'm still trying to see if Natasha is preggers like Cologne suggested.
The audience made it sound like they favour Tom and Helen.
The audience made it sound like they favour Tom and Helen.
Yes..... that would be my choice as well....
The audience made it sound like they favour Tom and Helen.
Yes..... that would be my choice as well....
same here
And I'm still trying to see if Natasha is preggers like Cologne suggested.
I feel like a tabloid journalist now.
Nite nite all.... sleep well and see you on Sunday
What's happening on Sunday?
Nite nite all.... sleep well and see you on Sunday
And I'm still trying to see if Natasha is preggers like Cologne suggested.
I feel like a tabloid journalist now.
Well hurry up and hack her medical records so we can know for sure..!
Right, enjoy Sunday and enjoy the final my little chumsters; I'll look forward to reading your comments when I get back.
Why are you all talking about Sunday? Is there a programme?
9PM Sunday Rexi - The interviews
Why are you all talking about Sunday? Is there a programme?
Yep! Sunday is the Apprentice Final! The interview stage is the final programme this year.
Cheers Fluffers
I thought that was next Wednesday - thanks for answering
Why are you all talking about Sunday? Is there a programme?
Yep! Sunday is the Apprentice Final! The interview stage is the final programme this year.
I would have missed it
And I wouldn't even have been in Spain!!
Why are you all talking about Sunday? Is there a programme?
Yep! Sunday is the Apprentice Final! The interview stage is the final programme this year.
I would have missed it
And I wouldn't even have been in Spain!!
And it runs straight onto 'Your Fired' Dara speaks to all four of them and Lord Sugar too.
Why are you all talking about Sunday? Is there a programme?
Yep! Sunday is the Apprentice Final! The interview stage is the final programme this year.
I would have missed it
And I wouldn't even have been in Spain!!
Hehe, glad you'll be watching it with us, Rexi!
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