im going for madness.
Columbus never got to America.
He didn't? Where did he go?
He discovered "India" or what he thought was the alternative passage to India (which is what he was aiming to find) or what is now known as "West Indies"
im going for madness.
Columbus never got to America.
He didn't? Where did he go?
He discovered "India" or what he thought was the alternative passage to India (which is what he was aiming to find) or what is now known as "West Indies"
Aren't there enough Mexican places already on the High Street?
Walter Raleigh!!!!!
Im crying here
Aww, have a King Edward to cheer yourself up
King Edward....was he Indian?
Aren't there enough Mexican places already on the High Street?
Did someone just vomit in that box of nachos?
Aren't there enough Mexican places already on the High Street?
shit loads and very few traditional english places
Oh dear, oh dear
Walter Raleigh!!!!!
Im crying here
Aww, have a King Edward to cheer yourself up
King Edward....was he Indian?
He was..!
The Mexican gaffe is in uproar. Oh dear.
Shocking lack of school boy primary school general knowledge on show this week.
im going for madness.
Columbus never got to America.
He didn't? Where did he go?
He discovered "India" or what he thought was the alternative passage to India (which is what he was aiming to find) or what is now known as "West Indies"
And just west of the West Indies is the American continent.
Did someone just vomit in that box of nachos?
That looked disgusting but i still would at slow food
im going for madness.
Columbus never got to America.
He didn't? Where did he go?
He discovered "India" or what he thought was the alternative passage to India (which is what he was aiming to find) or what is now known as "West Indies"
And just west of the West Indies is the American continent.
Which he didnt set foot in i mean in terms of discovering the potato i mean sir walter wasnt the only person to bring a potato back to europe but you kind of have to have been one of the ones to get there.
Jim "give me solutions"
I'd kick him
I think the Mexican menu was a bit ambitious but ...........why was it all down to Jim - the girls didn't seem to do much! Where was Natasha?
Columbus pie LOL
Aren't there enough Mexican places already on the High Street?
shit loads and very few traditional english places
And, I think they're in Soho (I recognise the Angel pub ) and so Caribbean would have been a better option. Not so many Carib places that I can think of.
Aren't there enough Mexican places already on the High Street?
shit loads and very few traditional english places
And, I think they're in Soho (I recognise the Angel pub ) and so Caribbean would have been a better option. Not so many Carib places that I can think of.
ahh good spot erm yea that would work but maybe not a tourist food? at mcdonalds judging anyone
im going for madness.
Columbus never got to America.
He didn't? Where did he go?
He discovered "India" or what he thought was the alternative passage to India (which is what he was aiming to find) or what is now known as "West Indies"
Over the course of three more voyages, Columbus visited the Greater and Lesser Antilles, as well as the Caribbean coast of Venezuela and Central America, claiming them for the Spanish Empire.
In my book that says he got to America.
Love the way Natsha looked straight at Jim to answer that
im going for madness.
Columbus never got to America.
He didn't? Where did he go?
He discovered "India" or what he thought was the alternative passage to India (which is what he was aiming to find) or what is now known as "West Indies"
Over the course of three more voyages, Columbus visited the Greater and Lesser Antilles, as well as the Caribbean coast of Venezuela and Central America, claiming them for the Spanish Empire.
In my book that says he got to America.
I stand corrected then
I think I'd rather wander in to a Greek or Italian Deli and grab a sandwich.
Love Mexican food but don't fancy any of their offerings.
I think I'd rather wander in to a Greek or Italian Deli and grab a sandwich.
Love Mexican food but don't fancy any of their offerings.
I always ate italian/greek while working in london
I think I'd rather wander in to a Greek or Italian Deli and grab a sandwich.
Love Mexican food but don't fancy any of their offerings.
im going for madness.
Columbus never got to America.
He didn't? Where did he go?
He discovered "India" or what he thought was the alternative passage to India (which is what he was aiming to find) or what is now known as "West Indies"
Over the course of three more voyages, Columbus visited the Greater and Lesser Antilles, as well as the Caribbean coast of Venezuela and Central America, claiming them for the Spanish Empire.
In my book that says he got to America.
Does in mine too!
I think I'd rather wander in to a Greek or Italian Deli and grab a sandwich.
Love Mexican food but don't fancy any of their offerings.
I always ate italian/greek while working in london
Those little off the main drag places are great when you're pushed for time.
Great for when you want decent fillings (and breads) too.
Tom and Helen have to have walked this (despite the lack of general knowledge)
I think I'd rather wander in to a Greek or Italian Deli and grab a sandwich.
Love Mexican food but don't fancy any of their offerings.
I always ate italian/greek while working in london
Those little off the main drag places are great when you're pushed for time.
Great for when you want decent fillings (and breads) too.
i also liked the specialist soup places but they were expensive really but nice in winter
Sounds like I'll have to starve if I ever work in London.
Assuming Jims team loses's gotta be Natasha hasn't it?
Alternatively - Tom or Helen .............tricky one - I do kinda like Tom TBH - although Helen did very well there I have to say!
Assuming Jims team loses's gotta be Natasha hasn't it?
Alternatively - Tom or Helen .............tricky one - I do kinda like Tom TBH - although Helen did very well there I have to say!
cant help feeling toms lost again though lol
He was OK?????????? He did the lot!
I'm amazed they think the sombrero is almost a marketing first for Mexican food rather than a bit of a hackneyed clichÃĐ.
Oooooh 4 out of 10
And 7 out of 10 Yessssssssssssssssssssss
Bye, Bye Natasha
yay i was wrong
Bye, Bye Natasha
It really has to be doesn't it?
I'm amazed they think the sombrero is almost a marketing first for Mexican food rather than a bit of a hackneyed clichÃĐ.
not at all racially stereotypical in any way surprised they didnt call it the three amigos.
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