We're agreeing a lot tonight Baz (expect for Jim )
I have gone off Jim a bit...... but it is still Melody and Susan that make me grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr most!
We're agreeing a lot tonight Baz (expect for Jim )
I have gone off Jim a bit...... but it is still Melody and Susan that make me grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr most!
Alvin is right Leon is too nice.........
No Alvin... we DON'T have to excuse Susan!!!
Hmm he let himself down there
No Alvin... we DON'T have to excuse Susan!!!
Hmm he let himself down there
Yes.... I hope he realises we can change our minds about him!!
Melody made a lot of mistakes but i'm delighted she's still in, liked Tom but he was such a doormat and she bascially walked all over him and he didn't show his backbone. Love that she's ruthless, they all have to be and backstab each other for that job.
I liked Leon but he was overrawed by Melody in that task and he didn't do much so the right decision IMO because people like Jim are kept in for entertainment reasons with the ability to back it up.
Doesn't top the Hamburg and London tasks from last year GJ. I liked most of that bunch!
I just watched the after show...OMG Leon only bliddy worked for LaRedoute.
Tom "I want you (Leon and Melody) to research LaRedoute find out what you can.
Leons head (lalalalalalala im nice how are you, so many foreigners here i cant contribute what with them Frenchies speaking English with an accent LaRedoute that rings a bell it might come to me eventually....)
Melodys head (bzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzy annoying thing interrupting my masterplan for victory)
Suzie "ask them if the French eat food, when i say that I dont literally mean do they eat that would be stupid what i mean is do they like food thats not stupid at all is it...is it?"
Would be great to have another Moroccan style task where they get totally fleeced by local traders, my choice would be Mexico.
Great post Capt! I know Suzie kept saying she didn't know anything about france but really?!?! Surely the fact they love their food is something everyone knows!
Melody, disparaging the products on offer: "We're not going to a car boot sale, or up North."
Susan, Susan, I don't care if you're "only 21". The French are human beings (almost) just like us, not aliens from another planet..
Reading nonsense elsewhere about so and so being unlikeable? It's not Big Brother and although we make our mind up based on the edited footage they present us we don't see every single thing.
Well I gave up watching after the first two episodes,I don't like any of them.I think the show has ran it's course for me.
I still love it, but even my hamster (hobbies: show-jumping over his salt block, flinging sand and hanging upside down) thinks half the contestants are as thick as mince!
Paper Scissors Stone ..... lmao ..... gotta be the quote of this series ...... Well done Tom
Now Leon has gone, there is only Tom who I like. If I had to put money on someone to win, I'd put my money on Helen. I'm not really sure if I like her, but her pitching is good & she has been pretty good throughout. I'd also like Tom to make the final but I'm not quite sure he'll make it that far *fingers crossed* for him though
Now Leon has gone, there is only Tom who I like. If I had to put money on someone to win, I'd put my money on Helen. I'm not really sure if I like her, but her pitching is good & she has been pretty good throughout. I'd also like Tom to make the final but I'm not quite sure he'll make it that far *fingers crossed* for him though
I think Helen stands a good chance too Angel.... and I quite like Tom..... but. just as long as Susan or Melody don't win I will be OK
Helen was outstanding ,so pleased Tom stayed,as for Melody/Jim/Susan really hope they go in that order.
I dont think Sugar was pleased that Natasha escaped the BR this week .
Having read the breakdown of this weeks task and the maybe twist in the boardroom concering both teams, ooh exciting but i'm 100% sure the person I suspect gets fired goes still.
To looks rather hot without his glasses.
I know who goes tonight. Dammit, I saw a Press Association spoiler by mistake
Still, can't say I'm too sorry to see the back of this particular evictee
With you all shortly, just getting dinner!
Ok... that's Susan and Melody in the first five minutes..... I'm fed up already
With you all shortly, just getting dinner!
Evening all
Suzie = a yapping puppy
Oooo Susan putting herself up again. ..
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand denied
Zoe: "With respect Suzie" Meaning with none at all
"dont take this the wrong way but im working with susie" diplomacy not really zoes strong point is it
Zoe: "With respect Suzie" Meaning with none at all
hi Cosmo I can already hear Suzie saying... *she thinks cos I am young....*
"dont take this the wrong way but im working with susie" diplomacy not really zoes strong point is it
Fair do's, it was directed at Melody rather than Tom
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