Jim just sounds so..... intelligent *sighs*
Oh well the first team leader on the first episode gets hung put to dry as usual..why do they voluteer!
I know Katty - leave themselves wide open and is a real gamble
Who's that blonde crawler..? She's all gushy over Melody.
I thought that what a creep
Just checked; her name's Felicity Jackson.
Jim just sounds so..... intelligent *sighs*
Hands off my Jim.
Jim just sounds so..... intelligent *sighs*
Yes.... *sighs along with Hoochie*
Jim just sounds so..... intelligent *sighs*
Hands off my Jim.
WHOSE JIM!!!!!!!
Who's that blonde crawler..? She's all gushy over Melody.
I wondered that Cosi...first time I noticed her....Felicity? Maybe she's making sure she keeps her enemy the closest?
Jim just sounds so..... intelligent *sighs*
He is coming across as quite calm, logical and intelligent. It can still all go wrong though... I've been here before...
Who's that blonde crawler..? She's all gushy over Melody.
I thought that what a creep
Just checked; her name's Felicity Jackson.
Yes... and I don't like her either....
Ooooo Alex is easy on the eyes
Flaming heck! I need more male company in here so they can help me decipher who the sexiest women is
Jim just sounds so..... intelligent *sighs*
Hands off my Jim.
WHOSE JIM!!!!!!!
Our Jim. Sorry Baz. *OMG, Baz is scary when she's annoyed.*
Jim just sounds so..... intelligent *sighs*
Hands off my Jim.
WHOSE JIM!!!!!!!
MY Jim!!!
Who's that blonde crawler..? She's all gushy over Melody.
I wondered that Cosi...first time I noticed her....Felicity? Maybe she's making sure she keeps her enemy the closest?
Most certainly, Supes
The sort who loads the gun and lets others fire the bullets.
Phew...... well at least Jim survived..... but that Melody is going to be even more smug now
*wheesh* he'll be around tomorrow
the one who broke the juice machines might go
Jim just sounds so..... intelligent *sighs*
Hands off my Jim.
WHOSE JIM!!!!!!!
MY Jim!!!
Phew...... well at least Jim survived..... but that Melody is going to be even more smug now
BAZZZZZZZZ jim was my choice yours was Gavin
Jim just sounds so..... intelligent *sighs*
Hands off my Jim.
WHOSE JIM!!!!!!!
Our Jim. Sorry Baz. *OMG, Baz is scary when she's annoyed.*
You better believe it young lady!!
*gulps*... can I at least share him Baz?
Jim's got Edward by the tail.
Phew...... well at least Jim survived..... but that Melody is going to be even more smug now
BAZZZZZZZZ jim was my choice yours was Gavin
No it wasn't
I flippin saw Jim first
I hate Edward
Flaming heck! I need more male company in here so they can help me decipher who the sexiest women is
Who are you deciding between Rawky?
*gulps*... can I at least share him Baz?
we'll see....
Jim just sounds so..... intelligent *sighs*
Hands off my Jim.
WHOSE JIM!!!!!!!
Our Jim. Sorry Baz. *OMG, Baz is scary when she's annoyed.*
You better believe it young lady!!
I want my mum!
Jim just sounds so..... intelligent *sighs*
Hands off my Jim.
WHOSE JIM!!!!!!!
MY Jim!!!
errrrm ladies .....I think you'll find that MY Jim wouldn't enjoy watching you squabble over him
I'll tell him you were asking for him
Isn't Karren Brady cocky and humourless?
Gavin seems alright to me
Phew...... well at least Jim survived..... but that Melody is going to be even more smug now
BAZZZZZZZZ jim was my choice yours was Gavin
No it wasn't
"I'm the shortest in the team"
Gavin seems alright to me
yes i like him
Have they all got their own friggin' businesses?
Flaming heck! I need more male company in here so they can help me decipher who the sexiest women is
Who are you deciding between Rawky?
He terms of 'fittiness' its Evil Melody and Susan.
Isn't Karren Brady cocky and humourless?
Gavin seems alright to me
He does, supes
Who's that blonde crawler..? She's all gushy over Melody.
I wondered that Cosi...first time I noticed her....Felicity? Maybe she's making sure she keeps her enemy the closest?
Most certainly, Supes
The sort who loads the gun and lets others fire the bullets.
Definitely one too watch I reckon Cosi