Evening all Oh look, Melody can speak 300 languages she taught herself you know!
Dont you know she was trained by the Dali Lama? She has done it all that one.
Evening all Oh look, Melody can speak 300 languages she taught herself you know!
Dont you know she was trained by the Dali Lama? She has done it all that one.
Glenn with the sexy eyes was robbed.
Yes.... I agree PCCE.... I think Susan should have gone...
Jim I think should have gone
I agree PCE
*nips in*
hi everybody
Evening all Oh look, Melody can speak 300 languages she taught herself you know!
LOL... I was just going to post something similar Sazbomb I've had enough of her already.....
I can't stand Melody either - but she's been a bit quiet last few weeks!
Gosh, this looks like a challenge and a half
Susan looks really pretty
"This is really lame"
Cue the developer running from behind brandishing a wood axe at Susan's head.
Thats a bed? I bet you wouldnt be impressed with it after sleeping a night on it.
Glenn with the sexy eyes was robbed.
Yes.... I agree PCCE.... I think Susan should have gone...
Jim I think should have gone
I agree PCE
Evening all Oh look, Melody can speak 300 languages she taught herself you know!
So can I, so did I (apart from the three I did in school) No one can understand me though.
Evening all ...bit late as usual
Lol Are the french fond of their kids? Do people drive in france?
susan showing herself up
Good ole Karen
she'd get it
'beyond stupid'
Oh dear, Karen isn't much enamoured by Susan
"that is beyond stupid"
"do the French like children?" beggars belief!!
Running late on delay so will join in later. Enjoy, Sugarettes
Evening all ...bit late as usual
Tsk. You'll get lines for that.
"This is really lame"
Cue the developer running from behind brandishing a wood axe at Susan's head.
*wishes she was the developer*
Evening all Oh look, Melody can speak 300 languages she taught herself you know!
LOL... I was just going to post something similar Sazbomb I've had enough of her already.....
Evening all Oh look, Melody can speak 300 languages she taught herself you know!
Dont you know she was trained by the Dali Lama? She has done it all that one.
She does my bloody head in Though I've just had a right laugh at Karen saying her questions were beyond stupid
The French love Rucksacks. They always wear them. Stupid fit Melody
"or up north or something" ...yes thats much less offensive ...who are these people?
Oh dear, Karen isn't much enamoured by Susan
neither am I - susan to go or melody - both odious
Oh dear, Karen isn't much enamoured by Susan
neither am I - susan to go or melody - both odious
true ros - I wouldn't care about either
Oh dear, Karen isn't much enamoured by Susan
neither am I - susan to go or melody - both odious
I agree Ros
Once again, they don't seem to be approaching this in a cohesive and structured manner. Or are words like 'cohesive' and 'structured' like a foreign language to them - the one that Melody DIDN'T do?
"This is really lame"
Cue the developer running from behind brandishing a wood axe at Susan's head.
*wishes she was the developer*
stand in line...
Her French isnt bad
Go her ... her French is tres bon
leon is really tim nice but dim isnt he
I like Suzie....she has general sound instincts...much more so that most of the rest of them espectally twatty Jim!
speaks french well
I like Suzie....she has general sound instincts...much more so that most of the rest of them espectally twatty Jim!
Yay, 'Twatty Jim'. I like that I do
twatty Jim!
Hold on didnt the people love the rucksack?
Tom gets ignored again this can only go one way from here.
The rucksack isn't good for the global market cos a lot of people in PARIS use the Metro.... what about people who don't live in cities?! How in the feck does she have a global business? What is it anyway?
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