Hrmmmmph - hubby wants to watch the news
I am still reading though - so keep me up on what's happening on the other side
Hrmmmmph - hubby wants to watch the news
I am still reading though - so keep me up on what's happening on the other side
Disappointed that gormless Susan is still there.
lol.. Dara came up with exactly the comment i made about the name
Knew that spoiler was right, wondering now if the next one is correct..
Glad Jim stayed, he should have gone really because he was a disaster in this task but he is ruthless in the boardroom and does have ability. Lord Sugar obviously kept him for entertainment and rating purposes like Stuart Baggs last year!.
Is nobody watching YF?
lol.. Dara came up with exactly the comment i made about the name
What....that the irony is so amusing?
Disappointed that gormless Susan is still there.
So am I. Cologne.... and I am sick of her doing the age thing!!
Is nobody watching YF?
Yep. gotta get my Dara fix.
No fluffs.. when they went into the boardroom and the name was brought up
KaffyBaffy Member | Today at 21:42 |
This will be when Jim completely reverses the argument he used for getting out of 'every dog'
Jim's manipulative,, but I don't see that that's necessarily a bad thing in a salesman.
Me either Kaffy
Me either if he only wants a salesman.
LOL @ Nick feeling even older
Hi everyone i always read this thread i love the apprentice.
I just wanted to ask if anyone else thinks Zoe looks like Maxine the character from waterloo road played by the actress Ellie Paskell?
I'll try to put photos up but no promises
Susan and her poor me act drives me insane. She actually sometimes has good points but is sooo irritating IMO!
Colostomy bag!!!
Jim's manipulative,, but I don't see that that's necessarily a bad thing in a salesman.
Me either Kaffy
Me either if he only wants a salesman.
Well.. even if he's buying or whatever.... the thing is, if he's on your side, it's not such a bad thing. Right now he's fighting against other candidates - he'd be using his evil skills for good if he was in business with S'rAllan.
Is nobody watching YF?
Moi..... old silver surfer is here
Hi everyone i always read this thread i love the apprentice.
I just wanted to ask if anyone else thinks Zoe looks like Maxine the character from waterloo road played by the actress Ellie Paskell?
I'll try to put photos up but no promises
Yes, aww I miss Maxine and Sam.
maxine - waterloo road
Yes Duchess!
Loving Nick on You're Fired
No fluffs.. when they went into the boardroom and the name was brought up
That was me being ironic Kaffs.
Hi everyone i always read this thread i love the apprentice.
I just wanted to ask if anyone else thinks Zoe looks like Maxine the character from waterloo road played by the actress Ellie Paskell?
I'll try to put photos up but no promises
I don't watch Waterloo Road. Can't stand the wooden Amanda Burton.
Jenny Eclair says Jim's Derren Brown gone dark.
Hi everyone i always read this thread i love the apprentice.
I just wanted to ask if anyone else thinks Zoe looks like Maxine the character from waterloo road played by the actress Ellie Paskell?
I'll try to put photos up but no promises
LOL... now Ros has put the picture up, she does a bit Duchess
Colostomy bag!!!
I am crying here
I don't watch Waterloo Road. Can't stand the wooden Amanda Burton.
I love Waterloo Road.. the good thing is the head never hangs around more than a few terms. She is the worst one (and her teenage daughters are about 30)
Is nobody watching YF?
Moi..... old silver surfer is here
Interesting that silver surfer was pitched, that is kind of good. Brilliant Marvel hero, works also for the internet surfers too . Although stan lee might have copyright
I don't watch Waterloo Road. Can't stand the wooden Amanda Burton.
I love Waterloo Road.. the good thing is the head never hangs around more than a few terms. She is the worst one (and her teenage daughters are about 30)
Let me know when she's gone then
Zoe and Glen sitting in a tree..?
I don't watch Waterloo Road. Can't stand the wooden Amanda Burton.
I love Waterloo Road.. the good thing is the head never hangs around more than a few terms. She is the worst one (and her teenage daughters are about 30)
Let me know when she's gone then
Zoe and Glen sitting in a tree..?
Isnt it rumoured they got it on or summat
He is very cute
brisket would have been gutted tonight.
He is very cute
brisket would have been gutted tonight.
Colostomy bag!!!
I am crying here
It's of no use for tears, Capt.....
He is very cute
Easy, Tiger!
Colostomy bag!!!
I am crying here
It of no use for tears, Capt.....
He is very cute
Easy, Tiger!
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