They will lose why cant they see this is a bad idea?
Dimmer than a 30 watt....
That or they are actors really how can anyone think this is good?
They will lose why cant they see this is a bad idea?
Dimmer than a 30 watt....
That or they are actors really how can anyone think this is good?
I'd imagine Jim could do a roaring trade with Damart, Viagra and Tena.
They don't like the HR title; there's a surprise.
Jim says it's an ironic title.
Yeah, right.
They appreciate the irony, well who have you asked then jim precisely ? I will guess at none its about as funny as chlamydia is to a teenager.
And yet he talks of the granny in the rocking chair being long gone.
You don't say, Einstein!
"A bit patronising"
Just a tad....
I don't like that girl...y'know the one that none of us know who she is...that one...her....right there!
Which one is that Rawks?
Y'know...her...that bossy one...dark hair....she's speaking now.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh - I agree with you
"Gone back to the 90's"
He's bang on there.
She needs to stop saying 'yeah' so much
if this was a competition for the worst pitch it would be very close.
Like Viz have done a magazine. Oh my god - what a slap in the chops.
Does anyone else's toe's curl loads during these episodes?
She needs to stop saying 'yeah' so much
OMG PMSL looks like VIZ for the over sixties wine over keyboard.
I'm feeling older every minute listening to Jim.
Just off to get a tartan rug for my knees.....
I think the idea of a mag for the over 60s is a good idea..... it's just the name.....
Jim said "He liked it"
Who liked it? The bloke with his jaw on the desk?
I'm feeling older every minute listening to Jim.
Just off to get a tartan rug for my knees.....
Wanna borrow my blue rinse Kaffy....
I think the idea of a mag for the over 60s is a good idea..... it's just the name.....
I agree Baz ... I think it is the much better idea, and more likely to sell advertising space, but the name ... OMG the name
Does anyone else's toe's curl loads during these episodes?
just about everything is curled up at the moment
I think the idea of a mag for the over 60s is a good idea..... it's just the name.....
yes agree baz -
I'm feeling older every minute listening to Jim.
Just off to get a tartan rug for my knees.....
Wanna borrow my blue rinse Kaffy....
thanks Baz!
Does anyone else's toe's curl loads during these episodes?
just about everything is curled up at the moment
oh for a webcam
Does anyone else's toe's curl loads during these episodes?
just about everything is curled up at the moment
prefer covered tbh
I'm feeling older every minute listening to Jim.
Just off to get a tartan rug for my knees.....
Don't forget to take your feet out of your foot warmer............would hate you to break a hip..........
I like Tom (is that his name?). The inventor fella
I like Tom (is that his name?). The inventor fella
Yes... I quite like him too....
I think the idea of a mag for the over 60s is a good idea..... it's just the name.....
yes agree baz -
yea agree, they said it was the biggest spending demographic and probably the least directly targeted.
I'm feeling older every minute listening to Jim.
Just off to get a tartan rug for my knees.....
Don't forget to take your feet out of your foot warmer............would hate you to break a hip..........
Or get wrapped up in your slanky
Don't forget to take your feet out of your foot warmer............would hate you to break a hip..........
Good point!!! Then again.. I can get a replacement and then I can model for knitting patterns too...
I like Tom (is that his name?). The inventor fella
I like Tom too.. but he's usually largely ignored.
I like Tom (is that his name?). The inventor fella
Yes... I quite like him too....
and me - gives baz 10 toenails
Don't forget to take your feet out of your foot warmer............would hate you to break a hip..........
Good point!!! Then again.. I can get a replacement and then I can model for knitting patterns too...
Don't forget the Werther's too
I bet Jim's team wins
I'm feeling older every minute listening to Jim.
Just off to get a tartan rug for my knees.....
Don't forget to take your feet out of your foot warmer............would hate you to break a hip..........
Or get wrapped up in your slanky
read that as skanky
Pension mention, Coffin dodgers gees how patronising
Did anyone else think jim dropped a bollock when Sir Alan said US when he was referring to over 60?
I like Tom (is that his name?). The inventor fella
Yes....and he's mine....see page 1.
Or get wrapped up in your slanky
read that as skanky
Oi you!!!
I bet Jim's team wins
Misjudged that then
I'm feeling older every minute listening to Jim.
Just off to get a tartan rug for my knees.....
Don't forget to take your feet out of your foot warmer............would hate you to break a hip..........
Or get wrapped up in your slanky
read that as skanky
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